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○■ 坂の上の雲
○■ Although we would like to look at tv drama excessively, adding, we do not like the drama where war is a historical background
○■ 坂の上の雲を追い けて昇り... Chasing the cloud on the hill, if it finished to climb, it was the downhill
○■ Although also the recogni tion for the Russian nobility the delicate difference is written on the novel latter half, writing, in the part which it announces there is no big correction, a liberal translation
○■ それがかなったの 退職前の... That serving is before the retiring year
○■ , a liberal translation
○■ 「nhkでやって 「坂の上... These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
○■ NHK comprehensive televis ion: 19: 30~21: 00 bs premiums: 18: 00~19: 30, a liberal translation
○■ ¥800
amazon.co.... ¥ 8 00amazon.co.jp
○■ As for video recording al though it has done, you see at all, to late night watching at the program which the [re] [te] is not, (laughing)
○■ 第2部は1年後です ね... As for 2nd section in 1 years later shank, a liberal translation
○■ Presently, residents' ass ociation and others of area being center, it is done, a liberal translation
○■ 松山城は桜も咲い いい時に来た... The Matsuyama castle came when also the cherry tree may bloom,
○■ As for Matsuyama town the re are also times when the streetcar is running, but to be bad it is old-fashioned well, a liberal translation
○■ 昨日、英語の講義 小泉八雲のビ... Yesterday, you looked at Koizumi Yakumo video in English lecture
○■ “Cloud of last year re- broadcast on the hill” seeing, the [ru] they are the times when it has the [u] and the stirring impression, a liberal translation
○■ 明日は出掛けてみ うと思う... Tomorrow you try to try going out
○■ What first you looked at her is “the pupil of 24”, but as for the movie to which I receive especially being impressed, a liberal translation
○■ 太平洋戦争終戦時 、ソ連(当時... At the time of the Pacific war termination of war, the Soviet Union (at that time) being faced to our country only the [ke] calling viewing, it pressed for Mikasa disposal strongly, so is, but as for there say that America it remained this way not to shake the neck vertically,, a liberal translation
○■ Today before coming to th e hospital, approached to the shrine side book store, a liberal translation
○■ 今の時代は政治も 済も情けない... Current age however politics and economy are wretched, you appreciate in Japan which is not war
○■ It probably is the place of explanatory unnecessary in the person who looked at drama “Tokyo love story”
○■ ところで「坂の上 雲」も良かっ... Although by the way also “the cloud on the hill” was good, it does not wait the continuation to November of this year and the [te] does not become with
○■ With the notion that wher e you say every year it tightens with usual serious news, a liberal translation
○■ しかし、思うよう ならない... But, it does not reach the point where you think
○■ But this person Saigo pro sperity of the older brother entirely, being able to let do to the person who has excelled business, when something it is, it was the traditional person of Kyushu that it comes out,
○■ こういったお菓子 買っても余り... Buying your such candy, excessively, it is not to expect but…, a liberal translation
○■ Unless such is done, [yo] to illegal zone it probably will convert this country,, a liberal translation
○■ いずれにしても、 女ともに世界...
○■ The 2nd section starts cloud today on Siba Riyoutarou work from hill”
Saka no ue no kumo ,