- At outside cool snow, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kin3580/archives/1449781.html Summer of such year it is hot, if it is probably will be you think, summer of 3 years ago Été d'une telle année il fait chaud, s'il est sera probablement vous pensent, été il y a de 3 ans
- The Japanese who was seen from Koizumi Yakumo
http://ameblo.jp/kakuun1623/entry-10561036581.html Yakumo is the case that it is thought regrettably in such Japanese Yakumo est le cas qu'on le pense regrettablement dans un tel Japonais
- NATURA experience
http://ameblo.jp/sing-lalala/entry-10516704447.html [wa] of such camera - as for [kushiyotsupu] and photographing meeting new me, a liberal translation [wa] d'un tel appareil-photo - comme pour [kushiyotsupu] et photographiant la réunion nouvelle je
- The enormous scandal of Ichiro's Ozawa is exceeded much, you think the thing where also the female of the administration of justice legislature enters in the treason incident due to the Democratic party., a liberal translation
http://buster21.at.webry.info/201109/article_31.html Unless such is done, [yo] to illegal zone it probably will convert this country,, a liberal translation À moins que tel soit fait, [yo] en zone illégale il convertira probablement ce pays,
Saka no ue no kumo , Books,