- You talk the cloud on the hill, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/asutorumember0828/31602344.html It is to have the belief that it is something related to such, Es tener la creencia que es algo relacionado con tales,
- Cloud on hill, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/orange_shokolade/59560910.html Buying your such candy, excessively, it is not to expect but…, a liberal translation Comprando su tal caramelo, excesivamente, no es esperar pero…
- Light of civilization civilization
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kame02-2005/e/24b3ae9f9820d73beeea900068ec15d0 Because as for such when the family where the back is high is unless is, are inconvenient, it had become the [zu] [u] [tsu] and the extending extending Porque en cuanto a tales cuando está la familia donde está alta la parte posterior a menos que sea, es incómodo, había hecho el [zu] [u] [tsu] y extender que extiende
- 憎しみからは何も生まれない[2010年1月第3週・通算1週]
http://stone.tea-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/2010131-8233.html The television sees in such picture quality, the [re] [ru]…The progressive [tsu] [te] of science being splendid, the shank La televisión ve en tal calidad de cuadro, [con referencia a] [ru]… el progresivo [tsu] [te] de la ciencia que es espléndida, la caña
Saka no ue no kumo , Books,