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○■ Don't you think? well bec ause it is the place of discipline, so thinking, please study!
○■ なんでじゅばんが� ��らへんねん... With something the [ji] [yu] don't you think? it is roughly the side, don't you think? it is, with something the sash band it is it is on the hakama, don't you think? is, with something the sash band necessity and, it is … Well, the [tsu] [te] which such a thing was already said, being disgusted [ya] “costume”, for event, the stage clothes …
○■ With being the case that it is said, everyday minimum of 1 hours
○■ ちなみに白いハイ� ��ックシャツ... It was the sneaker where the by the way white hight-necked shirt and my ones, the black shoes I am black, a liberal translation
○■ Then everyday, the boy co ntinued preparation review enthusiastically with his own desk of the classroom
○■ その頃もチケット� ��るのがタイ... , a liberal translation
○■ And, [asemu] which states enlistment, a liberal translation
○■ そこには医者にな� ��ることが記... Being accustomed to the doctor is recorded there, “I when fifth being grade well, remember the teacher, a liberal translation
○■ Well, this blog 700,000 a ccessed broke on January 25th
○■ さて、感想はさて� ��いてここか... Well, as for thought setting aside, from here this week inference
○■ Well, because Omiya is un precedented, getting off the bus, completely, there are no street-smarts, a liberal translation
○■ こんばんにゃ~ � �の猫男爵... It is dense, it is, it is it is cat baron of [ya] ~ north
○■ As for this tune, me at t he time of junior high school, the tune which is sung with graduation ceremony
○■ お母さんは猫を飼� ��ていて怖く... Raising the cat, we do not fear the mother? Death it is you bore first, a liberal translation
○■ In the customer whom you have taken care always
○■ あの頃から今まで� ��舞台や演技... You are surprised to completely not losing passion until now, vis-a-vis the stage and performance from that time
○■ 'The [ke] it is as a rear extra knowledge and is!!'Last time 24 story 'graduation ceremony!' When you see, furthermore it is enjoyment redoubling!
○■ 『夏目友人帳』音� ��しの谷の章... 'Natume friend register' quietness it does and chapter of the valley/the 妖 which is called during knowing Midorikawa going [reiko], helps Natume, the [re] giving, a liberal translation
○■ That the up-to-date artic le “of board room” category something where the cold steadily field keeps developing into the housing site at last the ♪ which is tomorrow which is busy one day automobile delivery being vigorous, living, with just the [ru
○■ 「何かやらかした� ��」「伝え方... “Something it did?”“Method of conveying straight the kana which it passes?”When with it has become worry
○■ Up-to-date article [sansu po] “of [sutatsuhuburogu]” category changes!! It went to going play, directing to ♪ [huromu] Sendai jr [suiminguriniyuaru], today going/participating view day
○■ 「だ、だったら何� ��んスか」... “Is, when is, no no [su]?”
○■ 「じぇっそーっ!� ��」... “[ji] [e] [tsu] [so] - [tsu]!!”, a liberal translation
○■ “The well which the [ha a] [do] is done it does densely, because the one you have heard it is more, there is no, paragraph that it is dense”, probably will be? The comic sumo (to do, the [yo] [tsu] drill) -> those which introduce the prohibiting hand of the sumo wrestling funny strangely
○■ ≪ パワー・トゥ・ ザ・ピープ... ≪ power to the people!! Now, education democracy is dangerous!! “Supports on Mr. Fujita, hp≫ in order depends the meeting volunteer who” of Tokyo to protect democracy, a liberal translation
○■ recent entries | family * - Nikolai Bergman coffee ♪@ south Aoyama- * Pink of the flower of the peach super is lovely, * * & * water polo ob sponsorship national body victory celebration being healed in & & * ◎◎ Kewpie, mass ♪◎◎ celebration! Nationwide conquest - 65th national physical education conference water polo -
○■ 3月、毎日を大切に 過ごそう・... March, every day probably will be passed carefully,…
○■ (The laughing which once, just a little excuse it has tried doing)
○■ 学校のホームペー� ��に掲載され... The message which is published to the home page of the school, through [burogu] and [tsuitsuta], immediately kept spreading to entire country, a liberal translation
○■ As for 9 uni- boys who re frained from graduation nearby the [so] [wa] [so] my [te] it was