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○■ It could paint in the hou se, and at [kousuke] which does the obtaining scratching directly it looked, suddenly the present of the soldier/finishing garden conceived! When getting married, the mother was and presented the [ji] the [ji] (the father of the mother) from, it is the color pencil of 48 colors, a liberal translation
○■ 卒園式終了後「遊 う会で待っ... After the soldier/finishing garden type ending “waiting in the meeting which probably will play, the [ru]!”, a liberal translation
○■ ちゃんと線路に引 戻してくれ... You pull back to the railroad track properly
○■ While the many victims ha ve been present, as for writing such a thing you think that it is non- good behavior, but there is no big damage in the family of the student of the bill large judo section and felt at rest
○■ それを見たらすっ り忘れてし... When you looked at that, you forgot completely, a liberal translation
○■ その準備と今日の 作を終えて... Finishing the preparation and present production, morning ten with everyone, it appeared in walking from temporarily to the field and garden of the Azumi field, a liberal translation
○■ この歌は昨年春に 園して、遠... Spring last year the soldier/finishing garden doing, it kept going away this song to Yamaguchi prefecture far with transference of the father, was the tune which is sung in the separation meeting
○■ 「こどもども」カ ゴリの最新... “Though it is dense, though” 1 year up-to-date articles of category it is quick, it rubbed, already that it is long time to bite too much is don't you think? large it hits and but is - it is
○■ “Don't you think? with this last competition and” and so on with saying, “be able to persevere in everyone whom it runs the ~~”
○■ 3月14日の月曜 は下の孫娘... Monday March 14th it was soldier/finishing garden system of the granddaughter under
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