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○■ でも、泣かなかっ のはえら... So, it is great not to cry,, a liberal translation
○■ April 5th…From entrance garden type April 6th, with preschool start it starts from half-day nurture, a liberal translation
○■ 最初は泣いたり苦 するだろうな... First it cries and/or suffers hardship probably will be, it is to be prepared that is, but at the new preschool, either 1 times do not cry
○■ Weather deteriorating a l ittle, it increased, yesterday but the starry sky the nursery school -> was entrance garden system of the preschool
○■ 昨日は、送別会で た保育園で、... Because yesterday, with everyone of class in the nursery school which is farewell meeting, to see the [tsu] most the friend of the close friend is the [tsu] the moving [chi] [ya] [u] the lunch did, the children the store seeing at the restaurant which can be played, because the [ru] while the mothers speaking, pleasant time was with, to see from today, and it is before the entrance garden ceremony where [tsu] preschool life starts but to keep from today, friend everyone of the nursery school which is class to keep together, because it is class, whether all right when you thought, you cried, it should have been accustomed quickly contribution from android carrying, a liberal translation
○■ 昨日の夜は夜泣き ったし、
本... The night of yesterday was crying at night and, truly from April the all right oak and others!?
○■ Tomorrow more and more is the entrance garden celebration cake from the entrance garden type mother and but the eye which was seen the sensitivity it is - it is the fruit you inserted ill-smelling even in, but as for eating tomorrow the kana, a liberal translation
○■ 明日は、入園式後 の園行事、家... Tomorrow, first garden event after the entrance garden ceremony, day of home visit, a liberal translation
○■ You were enthusiastic too much? With you think it is, but the child which is promoted has blended even the empty sled [ya] so was thing
○■ 式の中で一人ずつ 前を呼ばれた... When at a time one person you called name in formula,
○■ 去年わたしが手術 えてそんな気... Last year I refraining, operation however it was accustomed to such a feeling and the medium [tsu] passed and wrote, it went there is no that child, is?
○■ 久しぶりにいいお 気です 入園... You call after a long time and the pansy which with the entrance garden system which is weather is received from the garden (two stocks) you plant and would like to change it is, but it does not leak, in the toy of [hiro] the ~ (t_t) (t_t), a liberal translation
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