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○■ ( 松井一郎 さん ツイー... (Ichiro's Matsui [tsuito]) by okunoyasutoshi ON twitter
○■ Because in the same way, or [] which calling it is with you do not think even with the same color and/or the w 19. friend (also) is not tear [tsuchi]!! Whether love “it is! Oh!”When (something you write in hiragana, whether [ero] is and w) it cannot hear anymore []!!! (Expecting that with graduation ceremony it becomes addition secretly, w which it increases) with you thought in first day, a liberal translation
○■ 先日のフェアでは 早めの満開... With fair of the other day, the early full bloom cherry tree was displayed,
○■ もちろん息子は踊 るはずもな... Of course, as for the son however the part which is not either the expectation where it can dance, does not have the dance or the German singing/stating was chosen don't you think?
○■ 卒業式を終えて無 日本に戻っ... Finishing graduation ceremony, [manieru] which returns to safe Japan contributed to the Pacific League conquest of the iron closely largely
○■ 今日は卒業式があ ました〜... Today there was a graduation ceremony -
○■ Current events occasional thought of up-to-date article [matsuki] “of current events occasional thought” category: Current events occasional thought of population Japanese of the world population [matsuki]: Autumnal rain front active? Current topics of [matsuki]: Current topics of moving [matsuki] of intangible cultural inheritance register of food: Current topics of Modern architecture and worldwide heritage register [matsuki]: 'The Tokyo Ogasawara archipelago in worldwide heritage…, a liberal translation
○■ このブログのフォ チャンネル... Photo channel of this [burogu, a liberal translation
○■ ということでトン ン拍子に話が... With the notion that where you say story was settled in even rhythm
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