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○■ “The remembrance [tsu] [te] of the mother” you say, stimulated NHK interest to seem,, a liberal translation
○■ 「感想」カテゴリ� ��最新記事... The up-to-date article “of thought” category it will try challenging gradually
○■ 「つぶやき」カテ� ��リの最新記... “The [bu] and to come”, up-to-date article February 23rd of category (the wood) the [bu] and that 6 February 23rd of coming (the wood) the [bu] and that 5 February 23rd of coming (the wood) the [bu] and that 4 February 23rd of coming (the wood) the [bu] and that 3 February 23rd of coming (the wood) the [bu] and the coming that 1
○■ “twitter to collect”, the [bu] up-to-date article February 4th (Saturday) of category and the [bu] that 4 February 4th (Saturday) of coming and the [bu] that 2 February 4th (Saturday) of coming and the [bu] that 1 February 3rd (Friday) of coming and the [bu] and the coming that 3 February 3rd (Friday) of coming that 2
○■ 「ハアーどすこい� ��すこい」と... “The well which the [haa] [do] is done it does densely, because the one you have heard it is more, there is no, paragraph that it is dense”, probably will be? Those which the comic sumo (it does and the [yo] [tsu] drill) -> introduce the prohibiting hand of the sumo wrestling funny strangely
○■ There is another event ex hibition in March
○■ (一応,ちょっと言� �訳してみ... (The laughing which once, just a little excuse it has tried doing)
○■ Although entrance ceremon y it does not come out, graduation ceremony? Whether the [tsu] [te] being the strange feeling which is said, a liberal translation
○■ 先生は千早に太一� ��新の気持ち... The teacher thickly conveys one and new feeling to Chihaya
○■ So by his thought like th e main thing of place “Shikoku” of participation of last moment
○■ いろんな本を読ん� ��、成果を出... Reading the various book, when you analyze the person who puts out the result, it had been thorough such a place, a liberal translation
○■ “Rise the [tsu], rise q uickly the [tsu]”, a liberal translation
○■ 2、3日経っても� ��信がない場合... 2 and 3 days passing, when there is no reply,, a liberal translation
○■ * When you have not done domain permission,
○■ 渋谷、恵比寿、青� ��、表参道、... Shibuya, the god of wealth, Aoyama, chart going/participating road,
○■ When meeting lastly, we o f 7 years ago having been out of work, homecoming of junior high school
○■ Ending also graduation ce remony, however two days it passed, even now reality does not boil putting, this is the air does any important things, a liberal translation
○■ 卒業式を終え、最� ��に皆で書いて... Graduation ceremony was finished, the colored paper writing lastly with everyone received
○■ Still being perplexed, it increases the hair type of graduation ceremony
○■ 卒業式の日に震災� ��起きたので、... Because earthquake disaster occurred in day of graduation ceremony, because it was the separation without either conversation being possible well the fact that today it can meet was very the pleasure!! The material buying, to the Oda house, a liberal translation
○■ 久しぶりにあった� ��卒業を迎える... 8 names which were after a long time, face graduation, the bosom oak [ku], were the face of the adult
○■ The speech second volume with speech first volume Steve [jiyobuzusu] large graduation ceremony with Steve [jiyobuzusu] large graduation ceremony, a liberal translation
○■ もちろん出し慣れ� ��いる音域はそ... The resister which it puts out of course and has been accustomed that much is not, is, but high resister, low resister becomes accident occurring frequently zone
○■ Communication we ask once more
○■ まぁ、別に出さな� ��てもいいよね... Well, it does not put out separately and also the [te] is good, don't you think?
○■ In the origin of such a m onth child, Kouzi Tsukamoto the shoal field of the large city commercial matters which are played the man whom you are identified appears
○■ そういえば二分の� ��成人式と本当... So if you say, 1/2 coming-of-age ceremony and true coming-of-age ceremony, a liberal translation
○■ But, because age are age, if it became so, there is no manner
○■ お問い合わせも受� ��中... Inquiry in acceptance, a liberal translation
○■ Today doing sluggishly an d others, we copied [burogu] of the friend, a liberal translation