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○■ ( 3-10につづく)... I t offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ 「ワンコ」カテゴ の最新記事... These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
○■ 卒業式や入学式, 楽の思い... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ そして、船の科学 の職員さん...
○■ 「どーでもいいこ 」カテゴリ...
○■ 入学早々はしかの 流行で休講...
○■ 今日は日本語補習 の卒業式で、...
○■ 「5・6年生」カ ゴリの最新...
○■ recent entries...
○■ 16:58 from tw...
○■ 「日々のつれづれ カテゴリの... recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ 「息子」カテゴリ 最新記事... These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
○■ このブログの人気 事
○■ To learn more, ask blogg ers to link to.
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一...
○■ では、この辺で... So, at this point, a liberal translation
○■ To the, kaat performance 5 days after
○■ あとの問題は、出 者の表現... Problem after arises and it is expression power of the orator
○■ That and this and were re membered, it was impression unmeasured graduation ceremony
○■ 昨日は、昨年末に 結婚されたチ... You did to cause yesterday, to senior's house of the team which gets married on end of the last year, to Iwanuma went
○■ Graduating the university , also 30 years or more passing, when we would like to do originally, it probably will exhaust to work, is
○■ 今日はいい天気で 業式日和でし... Today was graduation ceremony day harmony with good weather
○■ Because today there is no especially errand, at the house the television
○■ 今日は、何だかお が苦しくって... It is what, the stomach to be painful the [tsu] [te], being 1 Japanese-Chinese sides, it increased today,
○■ Smaller school than junio r high school participated father ratio the many parents high… Because formula itself was shorter than junior high school, it did not become pain, but… While being every day schedule, because it is graduation ceremony, because also the tomorrow which fatigue feels in just not being accustomed it is the double header taking recreation, and it perseveres and increases
○■ それにしても奴は ざけてばかり... Nevertheless, the person with only acting playfully,
○■ しっかりと勉強や 活、地域活動... Securely study and section life, keeping participating in regional activity, desired it is potato
○■ Well, it is the spring wh en it starts the child and the parent are new, a liberal translation
○■ 3月18日(日曜 )
日新高... March 18th (Sunday) the practice tournament of the Nisshin high school anti- period middle mansion high school was not the water running gland and was the village ball park of the [gi, a liberal translation
○■ This day had the graduati on ceremony of 2011 west 奈 south small school, a liberal translation