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○■ I being invited by the gr aduation ceremony and entrance ceremony of the small school and junior high school to March April, superintendent of education, you inquire about the celebration of the guest and the principal, but the [u] - it is! The extent which becomes! With, in the kind of congratulations which admires regrettable, it has not touched, a liberal translation
○■ 卒業試験でもあれ 、最後ま... If it is graduation exam, to end, it studies, however it is probably will be, don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ Thank you! Forever, plea se watch over!
○■ 明日はジュニアの 業式ですが、... Tomorrow is junior graduation ceremony, but because forecast is clearing up, you think that we want hitting,
○■ もちろん応援はし いるけど... Of course as for support, however it has done
○■ So if you say, 1/2 coming -of-age ceremony and true coming-of-age ceremony, a liberal translation
○■ 「卒業式に袴が着 いんです... �� sotsugyoushiki ni hakama ga kita indesuyone ��
○■ kiyoshi takeshi sanmo � kokomadekuruto ippanno nin karamo hinshuku desune ������
○■ 2012年の論文突破基 礎力完成... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ jibun no jinsei no shin ario wo saikakunin desu
○■ 息子は椅子と踏み の2点を製... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ konnichiha kinou maniaw a nakatta saitamaken no kurumaya sanhe iko uto omoi mashitaga �� yuki nanodeyameteokimasu
○■ 今日は笑いあり涙 りのいい卒... konnichiha warai ari namida arinoii sotsugyoushiki deshitane
○■ konkai ha murakami ga b urogu tantou sasete itadaki masu
○■ だから最近は ワイ ドショー... dakara saikin ha
○■ そして、雪が降り もって寒く... And, the snow piling up, being cold
○■ But, whenever, happening, if it neglects preparation and has lost,
○■ この2000年か 3年間は私... From this 2000 as for 3 years it was the time when it is most regretted with my youth chamber activity, a liberal translation
○■ Thinking of various thing ,…, a liberal translation
○■ 「第2章五感と体 」カテゴリ... You saw with growth graduation ceremony of the up-to-date article child “of 2nd chapter senses and bodily sensation” category and delivered the snow of the graduation ceremony spring it survives, a liberal translation
○■ “It enters! 6 it is the cotton valley new and small!”
○■ 「会社」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article diploma conferment type 3 section victory →2 section being promoted raincoat soccer responsible overtaking [tsu] [te] “of company” category, a liberal translation
○■ “Mail or telephone”, a liberal translation
○■ 「ニュース!」カ ゴリの最新... “News!”Up-to-date article news news [susumeaitemu] arrival news of category, a liberal translation
○■ By the way, today is admi ssion examination of latter-term schedule of the national and university
○■ ☆袴レンタルご予 受付中☆... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ 3月8日生まれ・・ ... March 8th origin, a liberal translation
○■ Because I the lachrymal g lands am weak, when this kind of one sentence which is impressed is read, the eye becomes flood state, a liberal translation
○■ 卒業式までもう1か 月!残り少... Already to graduation ceremony 1 months! Remainder little time will be passed in order there is no being regretful!
○■ そしてしんす9月11 ... And the grommet September 11th is done, a liberal translation