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○■ After all, graduation cer emony of the preschool 1st being impressed, the shank, however those where you are impressed are the parent, but
○■ まあ、新チームに けてがんば... Don't you think? well, directing to the new team, only it perseveres
○■ とてもいい卒業式& 謝恩会でし...
○■ By the way, the tip of my stairway is not visible yet, it is, but……, a liberal translation
○■ それでも在校生と 業生とのか... Even then at the place of the ale of attendance raw and the applying meeting and song the graduate with there was also a scene which is made the top [tsu
○■ Then [noshi] which goes a nd the [ma] - it does
○■ そして一番見て頂 たいのは...
○■ As for the friend please choose securely force but, you can call hateful thing hate properly, with by his!, a liberal translation
○■ ご卒業心よりおめ とうござい... From graduation heart you question with the [me], it is
○■ “Don't you think? 6 it is from now when up-to-date article now of consequence” category it ends heart of the Yoshida field* Rice tomorrow
○■ 「黒ひげ日記」カ ゴリの最新... Up-to-date article mask rider “of black self-depreciation diary” category! Double event day! The Fujiya Confectionery Co., Ltd. roll cake ♪ strike 9! Receipt service day!
○■ “It was good, persevere d and increased!!”
○■ 「その他」カテゴ の最新記事... “In addition” the up-to-date article ankle of category it is painful,… graduation ceremony (the section of morning) as for 4 consecutive holiday teachers master level earthquake!
○■ If call I, after it is th e morning street, plenary assembly and commission of the prefectural national assembly, a liberal translation
○■ 3番は、先生へ 私 、小学校... 3rd, I, graduating the small school to the teacher, about 20 years the time where it does, receiving from the teacher who is charge of that time, had with the better callous, a liberal translation
○■ 12:50 rt from web star ma n, getting fat too much? (You wipe, is, [tsuito]) you looked at the 12:51 rt from web professional seat knock after a long time, a liberal translation
○■ 子どもたちは春休 を満喫して... The children seem that spring has enough the day off
○■ Today with baseball impre ssion…
○■ でも転ばずに滑れ ようになり... So without tumbling, it reached the point where it can slide
○■ And lastly the fact that, “word of the separation” is done
○■ 今日は市内小学校 卒業式で... Today was graduation ceremony of the city small school, a liberal translation
○■ But, as for correspondenc e of Osaka city, rather than with saying, the 呆 [re] [te] you put away in correspondence under the bridge, a liberal translation
○■ その間に、様々な とがあり... At that time, there was various things
○■ Tomorrow is graduation ce remony junior high school
○■ 卒業式記念で、( ぜか健太郎が... With graduation ceremony commemoration, (why [marugerita] which Kentarou loves) the pizza
○■ It is graduation ceremony season, seed ♪ today the alma mater of the pole graduation ceremony like! The university graduating, already one year or the [a] -
○■ 今週は下の子の卒 式と春期講習... This week graduation ceremony of the child under and study of spring course
○■ But, “in the Democratic party administration just is an interest”, that it denied the same staff
○■ 「卒業式はありま が、泣くほど... “There is a graduation ceremony, but as for deep emotion of the extent which cries…”, a liberal translation
○■ This day is graduation ce remony of the Kyoto municipal