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○■ 卒業式の次の日に 中学最後のグ... In the following day of graduation ceremony, junior high school last Greenland!!!
○■ It is dense, it is, it is , it is Wada, (- д-) the no, a liberal translation
○■ 3月3日、静か~ おひなま... Furthermore March 3rd, the quiet ~ the poult it enshrined
○■ (268th number, volume 288 ) As for March March season of going on a journey, a liberal translation
○■ 第7話生死と制止... 7th story life and death and stopping, a liberal translation
○■ In day of graduation cere mony, in notice ones which decorate the 6th grade classroom, there is a message poster which is made with the vertical group
○■ 土曜日に行った横 ... Yokohama which goes to Saturday
○■ Some days ago, it is the movie which is televised with load Shaw of the television
○■ 今日nhkのニュ ス9の動... Animated picture of present NHK news 9 being done, the pickup it increased
○■ In dissertation breakthro ugh fundamental power completion lecture 2012 it handles naturally, but, because in 2011 edition it does not handle, it is the circumstance which is notiified
○■ 10月31日はハロウィ ーンの日... Don't you think? October 31st was Halloween day
○■ 最近は 男性が女性 に「仕事を... The man “takes work recently in the woman? I am taken?” With
○■ 彼の遺した言葉の でももっと... That graduation ceremony speech of the most famous Stanford University (youtube Japanese meaning attaching edition < cc indication under the picture is pushed even in the word which leaves) the phrase which to legend which ties is already converted, a liberal translation
○■ Today you would like to h ave being able to point to your own story,, a liberal translation
○■ 今日で3年生とおわ かれ・・・... 3rd grade it is divided distantly at today,…
○■ Also August is end at tod ay, but “was summer vacation” of everyone how?, a liberal translation
○■ 今回は自治会夏祭 のイベント... This time residents' association summer you knew each other at the time of the event of the celebration
○■ ……… There are vario us things, don't you think? it rubbed, when you have lived
○■ With something the [ji] [ yu] don't you think? it is roughly the side, don't you think? it is, with something the sash band it is it is on the hakama, don't you think? is, with something the sash band necessity and, it is … Well, the [tsu] [te] which such a thing was already said, being disgusted [ya] “costume”, for event, the stage clothes …
○■ とにかくたくさん ベゴニアが... In any case many Begonias have bloomed, a liberal translation
○■ それから毎日、少 は教室の自... Then everyday, the boy continued preparation review enthusiastically with his own desk of the classroom
○■ The time the ticket those where you take were the tie hen, a liberal translation
○■ その後はマックで 議を30分... After that meeting schedule of 30 parts 1 hours catches with Mack,, a liberal translation
○■ Being accustomed to the d octor is recorded there, “I when fifth being grade well, remember the teacher, a liberal translation
○■ ぜひ一回見てみて ださい... One time please try seeing by all means, a liberal translation
○■ But spirit stayed in the room
○■ Whether this tune love re quest…, a liberal translation
○■ あとカシがあり、 年のクスノ... There is rear [kashi], there is remainder of [kusunoki] of last year
○■ 'Halo professional time!' You saw
○■ 「芽育学院」カテ リの最新記... At up-to-date article my pace “of bud growth institute” category… start of the countdown which recollects one year! New Year one-shot eye! Probably doing it is!