- Foot ~~ (*≧▽≦*)
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/hokuhoku8kabotya/diary/201203180000/ Yesterday, because with the pad it becomes graduation ceremony attendance of last moment, Gestern weil mit der Auflage es Staffelungzeremonieanwesenheit des letzten Momentes wird,
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/ochanomizuchiro/diary/201203220000/ Yesterday 怜 went to your receiving Gestern ging 怜 zu Ihrem Empfangen
- Here several weeks
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yutaccho/archives/51879978.html You did to cause yesterday, to senior's house of the team which gets married on end of the last year, to Iwanuma went Sie taten, um, zum Haus des Älteren der Mannschaft, die am Ende des letzten Jahres heiratet, gestern zu verursachen Iwanuma gingen
- Children and full enjoyment -*
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/pjkdy719/52603138.html Very good memory could do yesterday, Sehr gutes Gedächtnis konnte gestern tun,
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,