- Thank you
C'est la mort de [suteibujiyobuzu
- 'Close-up today' the bare face ~ of man [teibu] [jiyobuzu] which changed the ~ world
http://ameblo.jp/myway0124/entry-11046095183.html When Steve [jiyobuzu], making the thing newly, the grandchild person talked concerning those which are starting point of conception,, a liberal translation Quand Steve [jiyobuzu], faisant la chose nouvellement, la personne d'enfant a parlé au sujet de tels qui est le point de départ de la conception,
- Speech [jiyobuzu].
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/amurais1111/e/04255c7c5e45a3a61165100cf0a39ad7 Please try searching in [suteibun] [jiyobuzuhabado] university speech Essayez svp de rechercher dans [suteibun] [jiyobuzuhabado] la parole d'université
- jobuzu no sugao
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/eye_2007/e/5b528c8489795f20c0a2c48f8e99da9f Those where you adhere [jiyobuzu] practically, when 10 years ago, doing the preparation which opens the store of direct management in America, were thing Tels où vous adhérez [jiyobuzu] pratiquement, quand il y a 10 ans, faisant la préparation qui ouvre le stock de gestion directe en Amérique, étaient chose
- The forgetting [chi] [ya] it is not good, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/sumiyoke-syoutenn/entry-11040646437.html The speech second volume with speech first volume Steve [jiyobuzusu] large graduation ceremony with Steve [jiyobuzusu] large graduation ceremony, a liberal translation Volume de la parole le deuxième avec de la parole cérémonie de Steve de volume d'abord la grande [jiyobuzusu] avec la grande cérémonie de Steve [jiyobuzusu
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,