- Invitation, a liberal translation
http://sheparun.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/2008-3.html Then everyday, the boy continued preparation review enthusiastically with his own desk of the classroom, a liberal translation 然后每天,男孩热心地继续准备回顾通过他教室的自己的书桌
- Invitation, a liberal translation
http://hatehate.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-d90a.html Then everyday, the boy continued preparation review enthusiastically with his own desk of the classroom 然后每天,男孩热心地继续准备回顾通过他教室的自己的书桌
- Boy scout Noda 7th group
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/noda-7-PRC/20111107 Then everyday, the boy continued preparation review enthusiastically with his own desk of the classroom 然后每天,男孩热心地继续准备回顾通过他教室的自己的书桌
- saigo no shuumatsu
http://takaobradford.air-nifty.com/life_in_bradford/2011/07/post-882c.html Then, at visitor center dvd, the book of the Yorkshire history which is reduced 然后,在访客中心dvd,减少约克夏历史的书
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,