- 'You look at the sea the time and' you send Japan to you who live from this
http://sakurannbo.cocolog-nifty.com/putu/2011/10/post-939c.html Large earthquake disaster March 11th Großer Erdbebenunfall 11. März
- Accessories of former times, a liberal translation
http://romendensya.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-f76b.html March, every day probably will be passed carefully,… März, täglich vermutlich wird geführt sorgfältig,…
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://gtoyonaka.blog72.fc2.com/blog-entry-156.html Unless 10:45 it does not enter to into formula from 11 o'clock and as for the [te] it is good, with thing, being hasty, as for being attached 10:43, a liberal translation Es sei denn 10:45, das es nicht in zur Formel von 11 Uhr einträgt und was anbetrifft [te] es, mit Sache gut ist und eilig ist, was Sein anbetrifft angebrachtes 10:43
- gakkyuu tsuushin ���������ݣ��ݣ�
http://kobayashischool.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-7638-1.html Concerning the graduation ceremony March 1st as for everyone of the request guardian, 9: Shikiba (the gymnasium) please enter up to 40 Hinsichtlich der Staffelungzeremonie 1. März was jeder anbetrifft des Antragwächters, 9: Shikiba (das Gymnasium) tragen bitte bis 40 ein
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,