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○■ While using the writing b rush pen with the New Year's greeting card, it stopped wanting to draw the picture with that, the gong beauty which seems
○■ From New Year's greeting card of this year, personification conversion of rabbit
○■ ■ [ 日常 ]お義母 ん... * [Every day] the mother-in-law and lunch 18:37 today did, with super infrequent streetcar going out, the mother-in-law and with the brother-in-law the lunch, a liberal translation
○■ 2012 opening, you questio n with the [me], it is
○■ 監督だと番号ない ら01にな... When it is supervision, because there is no number, in 01 viewing! It is start such a 2012 of… orz where perceives from after the [tsu] [te], but this year we ask may! Inquiring about address modification and the post changing etc with the New Year's greeting card, they were 1 years which everyone is various it is, that you thought
○■ The cartridge - “the pr esent” is returned truly
○■ 昨年は、ぼーっと てたので年... Because last year, the [bo] - it has made the [tsu], preparation of the New Year's greeting card becoming slow, on end of year
○■ Tomorrow in the God shelf in the United States we offering the salt, and the drink offering in the water,…
○■ 今日は荷物の整理 か、年賀状... Today rearrangement of the baggage, the New Year's greeting card you write, the various chores
○■ Today first it should com memorate time was held
○■ ちなみに正月料理 「お節」と... By the way, New Year's Day cooking is called “the dishes for the New Year”, but as for the origin such as paragraph day ([se] [chi] [bi]) celebrates paragraph day namely paragraph phrase and tray as for the treat which everything was the dishes for the New Year, it seems, a liberal translation
○■ With such a reason, anoth er end… with we have decided the New Year's Day day off to say
○■ しかしそれでも… つかれた笑... But even then… The laughing which becomes tired
○■ 「元気でいるかい いつもあり... Or “it is vigorous? Always, thank you”, the old age parent of the home is delightful ones even just 1 these telephones which pass
○■ It appears in the traveli ng which produces the up-to-date article New Year's greeting card “of mansion category of contribution with the k tie and” goes out…The generality release which appears in the 2 traveling starts
○■ recent entries... recent entries | (Not yet classification) January 3rd (fire) [bu] and coming December 28th (water) [bu] and coming [mariajiyu]* November 30th (water) [bu] and coming November 18th (gold) [bu] and coming
○■ (The ¯ - the ¯) [niyari ] over-year-end those which it can point -! The [tsu] [te], persevering, it edited, but the [o] ~ iron still, the kana which becomes first work of ~ next year, the iron ♪, a liberal translation
○■ Over-year-end first time? You received at your own house, a liberal translation
○■ 今年もよろしくお いします... This year we ask may, a liberal translation
○■ Opening, you question wit h the [me], already 1 where it is weeks the New Year's Eve ~3 which passes works as for day because this it can receive New Year's Day treatment, don't you think? the [tsu] [te] which it can persevere you say…(The ¯▽¯) b4 5 days taking consecutive holiday, 4 days went to year's first visit to the shrine, as for the seeing lottery which it has exorcizing medium good fortune
○■ お正月の行事も無 終わり今... Also New Year's Day event is the first day of the year for work from safe end today
○■ When “it flashes, you d o! Slow gently gently advance!!” New Year's greeting card of your own address! Although the flash is designated as shape, the pleasure was remembered, a liberal translation
○■ 新年早々カメラの ードの調子... , a liberal translation
○■ The New Year's greeting c ard it has come, but the seedling space between letters the person who is changed well enough it is, it is the seedling letter [tsu] [te] which is, there is no everything of that person, is?, a liberal translation
○■ 年賀状、書かなか たな〜... The New Year's greeting card, you did not write -
○■ End of year of this year according to ordinary year, it was the schedule which participates in the over-year-end meeting of the foam/home group
○■ というわけで、1 のおせちは... With being the case that it is said, as for the dishes for the New Year of 1 days…
○■ 年賀状も書いて・ ・花も飾り... Writing also the New Year's greeting card,… decorating also the flower and… receiving the rice soup and a little traditional New Year dishes and… putting the body in custom of every year… you tasted the small happy impression, a liberal translation
○■ Rear 6 hours were cut to that time zone, a liberal translation
○■ 息子に来ていた年 状の中で... In the New Year's greeting card which has come to the son from the teacher of the school
New Yearu0026#39;s cards,