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○■ 2011 summary! The droppin g which is good! It is good,…When December 31st you become aware, making a contract with the [kiyuu] [be] obtaining, [souruji]…November 06th you want, it goes to [hi] [batosupi] strange Kaiou game October 10th
○■ 赤ドン雅の曲(big )... Tune of red Don elegance (big compilation), a liberal translation
○■ We ask also this year may , a liberal translation
○■ 今年は辰(龍)年. .. This year 辰 (the dragon) year, a liberal translation
○■ In the up-to-date article ★☆★ counter “of disturbance ten thousand height description” category & time densely it is paulownia turn ★☆★ New Year's greeting card cold, a liberal translation
○■ 「天神とその周辺 った・行っ... “Tenzin and around that you knew, it went, year up-to-date articles 40 of the category which walked” and last day, a liberal translation
○■ centrair c…, a lib eral translation
○■ 2011年の振り返り[ 記あ... The looking back 2011 [there is postscript]: Plus Î space
○■ そしてしばらく頑 っていたら... When and for a while it has persevered, finally you winding cleanly by your, way it can turn,
○■ Opening, you question wit h the [me], it is!!! It is princess God, it is densely the [nu] the w [ku] [a] (what well, one sentence of the ↑ serious being, when the present [wa] [tsu] [te] it tried probably to strike it became like this, it is! The truth which is the person whom mrcrktkr by the way the [samune] picture makes the New Year's greeting card met the general drawing which is done properly, it is, but it did not enter, it is the [ze] which is…!!! By the way the bloom dragon of [orikiyara] it is it is, a liberal translation
○■ 2012年辰年、 年もどうぞ... , a liberal translation
○■ みなさんにとって 笑顔いっぱ... Way in everyone very it is smiling face full cute year,
○■ It pays in full with the bonus of the up-to-date article summer “of pad” category! Callous burning [tsukina] election! Though it is dense the desired tricyclic first shrimp of day and the parent it does being, three large gourmets of first-class prize luxurious Ise Shima
○■ 「いずれ行く道」 テゴリの最... Day someone of D service of the up-to-date article mother “of the road category which sooner or later goes” is simultaneous you forget, just, it is some story! Three is also day end, the person where everyday is not Sunday always, because it rubbed
○■ 12月大きな大きな 費!... December big big expense!, a liberal translation
○■ You open you question wit h your [me] [me], be this year we ask please may
○■ リンクはこちら 辰 の絵柄も勢揃... Link assembles the design of this 辰! Simple convenient << optical software town >> with the New Year's greeting card probably will be made, a liberal translation
○■ 今年は 年賀状はだ せなかった... This year it could not produce the New Year's greeting card, a liberal translation
○■ The up-to-date article bo dy “of miscellaneous impressions” category became itchy
○■ 今年貰った賀状に その喜びの... Report of the joy being written by the greetings which this year are received briefly with one line, it reached and 縷 々 in detail very that it was also it is put together finely with letter and using this pc in, the senior of the e mail New Year's greeting card and young person Hari it was
○■ 今年もよろしくお がいします!... This year we ask may!
○■ あけましておめで うとございま... Opening, when you question with the [me], it is, a liberal translation
○■ As for 2012, even from la st year we would like it to reach the point where by himself can grow, is
○■ さて・・
年賀状 いただい... Well everyone who receives the New Year's greeting card, thank you
○■ The scorpiones nsx comple tion whose up-to-date article 2011 collecting Italy “of diary” category is red! The ♪ using which runs the seacoast with ducati, a liberal translation
○■ 2012年にいただいた 素敵な... The cute New Year's greeting card which it receives in 2012, a liberal translation
○■ < /div> < div cl ass=center>
○■ 年賀状?届いてな よ?
で... New Year's greeting card? It does not reach? When so aus about 3 weekly - 4 weeks being required sometimes, because it is, a liberal translation
○■ This year we ask may by n ow promontory Jose, a liberal translation
○■ このブログを始め ころはまだ... While as for the time where this [burogu] is begun still while being the elementary school student, the daughter, now entrance examination it waited and being it is
New Yearu0026#39;s cards,