- Waist one iron
http://blog.livedoor.jp/livefoever/archives/51990458.html And, now I have been about to sleep E, agora eu estive a ponto de dormir
- Winter vacation
http://ameblo.jp/karwe-go/entry-11127082013.html When and for a while it has persevered, finally you winding cleanly by your, way it can turn, Quando e por um quando perseverar, finalmente você enrolamento limpa por o senhor mesmo, maneira que pode girar,
- You opened.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/michiky/archives/1665777.html And in ipod sound E no som de iPod
- It becomes in 2012 some year kana?, a liberal translation
http://nandemoyu-ari.at.webry.info/201201/article_1.html And this year first feature after all the food…, a liberal translation E esta primeira característica do ano após todo o alimento…
- Happy New Year!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/p-heart_2005/e/310a481581f2b770fe40b49679c5ff36 However and either strength 1 day of people of sufferer does not return to the origin quickly, normal Entretanto e uma ou outra força 1 dia dos povos do sofredor não retorna à origem rapidamente, normal
- Opening [me] thing [ro] 2012
http://naop.at.webry.info/201201/article_1.html And it was this year, a liberal translation E era este ano
- This year looking back at one year, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sindansi007/archives/1735531.html And it improves the social position of the diagnostic loyal retainer, “the diagnostic loyal retainer as not called the rice grain of the sole”, in order to be accustomed to the loyal retainer industry of yearning, thinks that we would like to persevere, E melhora a posição social do retentor leal diagnóstico, “o retentor leal diagnóstico como não chamado a grão do arroz da sola”, a fim para ser acostumado à indústria leal do retentor do anseio, pensa que nós gostaríamos de perseverar,
New Yearu0026#39;s cards, japanese culture, Livelihood,