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○■ Today is to see the frien d [yu] from high school age - the New Year's greeting card of every year canna which wears the New Year's greeting card of the aroma field canna in making in making comes from Hyogo prefecture to the home of the canna
○■ 今年はお気に入り 年賀状デザ... This year favorite New Year's greeting card design, also the bar-code which can be sent even with the k tie has been attached
○■ With being the case that it is said, it strikes end in the New Year's greeting card of the paper
○■ そんなこんなでも 今年もあと... With such a such a already this year it has been a little more than 2 weeks after
○■ As for this picture, 'the re is with 09, a liberal translation
○■ いよいよ受験態勢 入ってくる... It enters to entrance examination attitude finally. Children (high three sons and medium three daughters), a liberal translation
○■ “Daily life the [bu] an d it comes” and the photograph which [jiyogunaitajiyogu] I in regard to up-to-date article greetings printing and the snow of category take eats too much day of publication good married couple… anniversary commemoration of reflection jostling
○■ 「山形情報」カテ リの最新記... The up-to-date article road “of Yamagata information” category [katsuchikachi] and - the thermal [tsu] [zu] it is and the pot bears the [e] - New Year's greeting card preparation stripe to do, high the snow [tsu] it does Yamagata city which noticeably has become cold
○■ Yesterday from afternoon picture letter for New Year's greeting card
○■ tweet check... tweet check
○■ recent entries | It was p ossible and [goto] iron 婚 system hit!! Your own birthday 4 year old birthday! Game
○■ その内に だんだん 雲が多... Inside that gradually the cloud becoming many, the shot which is liked is now one
○■ It is quick rubbing, it i ncreases that 1 years it probably will already end,
○■ 早くも今年も残す ころあと半... Don't you think? already the place where this year it leaves the rear half moon, already immediately the New Year's greeting card becomes mailing possible
○■ Today although it is the day off, minute heat to continue from yesterday, because the cold [tsu] [po] to be, excessively the excessiveness do, to do, the [tsu
○■ 今年もやっと年賀 作成にこぎ... This year it reached at last to New Year's greeting card compilation
○■ Temporarily, general clea ning puts out, however it ended, this year the intention the clothes which do not need of throwing away the proper is also a year-end party and, so so, the [wa] which is also the New Year's greeting card -, a liberal translation
○■ 「私生活の事」カ ゴリの最新... Up-to-date article [makaron] “of thing category of privacy” it was possible exactly, - today the candy, a liberal translation
○■ Dreaming of the up-to-dat e article open space “of chairman category inside town,” fall of the � home town making dignity feeling refreshment of the various inhabitant leading parts
○■ とりあえず障子紙 張替えだけは... Temporarily, you ask just the re-covering obtaining of the shoji paper, as for the Japanese room with the glass [sukesuke] state
○■ The New Year's greeting c ard software was bought!!, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は朝より年賀 の作成... Today from morning compilation of New Year's greeting card
○■ With the notion that wher e you say the laundry is to dry at the interior, but the bedroom is dry
○■ 「しーる」カテゴ の最新記事... “It does, - up-to-date article November 28th of [ru]” category (month) the [bu] and coming November 27th (day) the [bu] and coming November 26th (the Saturday) the [bu] and coming November 24th (the wood) the [bu] and coming November 22nd (the fire) the [bu] and the coming, a liberal translation
○■ When and, 2 months it can be less crowded, already it is next year
○■ 「パパの子育て」 テゴリの最... Up-to-date article independence from parental influence November 24th “of parenting category of father” (the wood) the [bu] and coming 1 day 1 day time working hard necessarily the [ya] - the photo studio (the rattan child f Fujio museum compilation) the rattan child f Fujio museum coffee, a liberal translation
○■ The New Year's greeting c ard, yesterday being flurried, thing of every year when it orders is outside order, a liberal translation
○■ そろそろ穴のあい シーグラス... Gradually, because there is no sea glass which the hole was opened
○■ <! --insertpr (); --&g t; <! --var hintsword=; var google_ad_amebaid='suzuki-lilan'; function showarrow (el) {el.classname=showadsarrow;}function hidearrow (el) {el.classname=hideadsarrow;}function jumpad (url) {window.location.href=url;}, a liberal translation
○■ 年賀状を書かない いけません... Unless the New Year's greeting card must be written, [ne
New Yearu0026#39;s cards,