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○■ M (_ _) m where we put an noyance on the people who have been prepared the New Year's greeting card, a liberal translation
○■ パソコンはまだ現 のように... As for the personal computer still the present way
○■ This day first acting pla yfully was terrible from the [tsu], but it is
○■ 昨日までの雨とは 転
今日は... , a liberal translation
○■ This year and, this time got near, don't you think?
○■ そろそろ年賀状を かなくてはな... Gradually, the New Year's greeting card is not written and the [te] does not become, a liberal translation
○■ As for 12 ends of the mon th Christmas New Year's Eve and the event it is many, in addition that something such as general cleaning New Year's greeting card it is busy, is, but…
○■ 12月8日、朝起 ると久し振... When December 8th, Asaoki it finishes, it was the world of the silver after a long time
○■ (Enviably what it is to s erve the ~ which is)
○■ 本当のゴミを抽出 分して、友... Extracting dealing with the true rubbish, it extracts also those which it increases to the friends
○■ Yesterday with going out main, was one day which is complete, a liberal translation
○■ 今日はお天気も で 猫達も暖か... Today sleeps at the place where with weather also the cat is warm
○■ Today is the lesson of [t okai, a liberal translation
○■ パソコン教室では グルメを使... With the personal computer classroom using the writing brush gourmet, it did the Christmas card and the greetings making, a liberal translation
○■ Because so, it is commemo ration, the New Year's greeting card of next year is decision with this photograph whether you call this year,
○■ そんな12月の ジ ョニさん... Such a December [jiyoni
○■ , a liberal translation
○■ さて年末というと 賀状があり... Well when you mention end of year, there is a New Year's greeting card
○■ Well, from Kume of pupil, a liberal translation
○■ さぁ今日乗り切れ 明日は祝日... If [a] today you overcome, tomorrow is holiday, a liberal translation
○■ The brocade Yutaka forest or phosphorus you question this, it is to come [pi] and others burdock taste
○■ かわいらしいタツ オトシゴや... Lovely seahorse and… (sea hose of Eric cirque)
○■ Oh with while saying, pas sing, work overbusying, everyday
○■ 「6ねんせい」カ ゴリの最新... “Don't you think? 6 it is the up-to-date article New Year's greeting card m () of consequence” category the schedule library quiz of schedule baseball discontinuance afternoon of m present late boiled rice afternoon
○■ 「*色々*」カテゴ の最新記... “* Varieties *” up-to-date article Tokyo [bana] of category 奈 news - * News* tabicafe [tabikahue] New Year's greeting card production
○■ そろそろ・・・年 状にも手をつ... Gradually, unless… you must start to either the New Year's greeting card, however it is, how it will do the New Year's greeting card of next year, that…
○■ The Ota city [tsu] it doe s the December event!, a liberal translation
○■ 11月30日(水 日)... November 30th (Wednesday)
○■ When mourning it hangs al so the pad, because it is mourning, whether those which how are done the result of conference, it is to have decided to make the New Year's greeting card, but
○■ 年賀状選びから、 刷、宛名書... From New Year's greeting card choosing, to printing and address writing, in this one volume one-shot completion! The button just is pushed, being able to use anyone, without the failure it is large fixed turn of the New Year's greeting card book, a liberal translation
New Yearu0026#39;s cards,