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○■ ブログをやってい 場合ではな... When [burogu] is done, because is not even, - - -
○■ [buroguneta]: New Year's greeting card [tsu] [te] important matter? The participation Nakamoto sentence and is the [tsu] [pa] important from here, don't you think? the ~
○■ タグ: 箱根駅伝 ューイヤ... Tag: The Hakone Race new year post horse cat marathon, a liberal translation
○■ Once more, we would like to go,
○■ まあ、私も少しは 習って... Well, I a little, learning
○■ With say, still as for le vel it is low
○■ では、今年最後の ンドメイド... So, this year last hand made news item…
○■ With [tsu] [te] thing, in the good child as for the present it is certain from [santa, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみに画像はク スマスの食... By the way the picture is the Christmas meal
○■ That day, disturbing to t he house of the mother friend, doing the tea
○■ これは茶色が強す てちょっと... As for this brown being too strong, just a little [gatsukari
○■ This being similar you ma ke the Christmas card & the New Year's greeting card
○■ これからも、お互 が、いたわ... Each other to encourage, the [wa] [ri] which is, even from now on, staring before, it is something which would like to keep walking securely
○■ The [u] ~ it is, it was p ainful expense in the year-end, a liberal translation
○■ いよいよ今年もあ 少し... More and more this year after a little
○■ After if it does not deci de design,…With, being present evening
○■ あけましておめで うございま... Opening, you question with the [me], it is, a liberal translation
○■ The life kana which “yo u foresaw and” you had, a liberal translation
○■ 今年はたっくさん 方に出会い... This year it is the [tsu] it is ill-smelling one to encounter, it was one year which is helped, a liberal translation
○■ xm
○■ recent entries... recent entries | In weblog Kushiro note it is in the Christmas eve thing left behind and is good
○■ go page top
○■ 12月27日はボクたち 兄弟の... As for December 27th birthday of my sibling
○■ It is every year, but the New Year's greeting card is not produced yet
○■ 今日も、仕事、マ ペースで行... It could do also today, at work and my pace
○■ This year we ask may
○■ 今年は悲しいこと つらいこと... This year sad thing and balance thing, your own helplessness, the [yu] applying, there was a large quantity
○■ So, being taken the photo graph so dislike (laughing)
○■ 「屠蘇」とは、「 」という悪... “屠 蘇” With, “蘇” with the demon which is said 屠 (the [ho] [hu]) in the sense, [ru
○■ Tomorrow day of last rubbish
New Yearu0026#39;s cards,