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○■ About this year, importan t matter “of the bond”, there is no year when you feel, don't you think? probably will be, the happiness, with the familiar friend and flesh fell, as for the person who reaches to important matter it was not, but don't you think? at each time you look at news and the like heart hurts, a liberal translation
○■ ということで、試 品くれま... With the notion that where you say, the sample you gave, a liberal translation
○■ Still, is not the case th at it is solved entirely, but it being possible well to complete difficult thing within year, it is feeling of relief
○■ お正月早々、お醤 を買いに... If New Year's Day early, it does not run the soy sauce to buying
○■ Finishing to write, the N ew Year's greeting card
○■ それと年賀状がリ クするも... That and it is not something which the New Year's greeting card links, but is, it is the schedule which passes New Year's Day with the style that at this year “the New Year's greeting card that you are modest it is not possible either to write from next year,”, this year and it makes the reply to the New Year's greeting card which reaches,
○■ As for the New Year's gre eting card itself, long ago easy was done
○■ 「ホワイトクリス ス」 で... In “white Christmas” shank, a liberal translation
○■ Last year similar to ever yone you took care
○■ 今日は終日、雪が ったり止んだ... Today last day, the snow falls and/or stops one day
○■ When this year there is n o room of feeling and perceives, it was Christmas
○■ もちろん私も、餅 かせて頂きま... I was attached, the rice cake of course!! Our child the [pe] [ro] - with ate the rice cake of the being attached building, a liberal translation
○■ With such such in spite e ven in the gloomily dark article at all there is no either scribbling, it is, but badness it does and does not drive orz, a liberal translation
○■ そして実際使った ましたら…... When and you used you see really…
○■ So, if you said, the addr ess of the New Year's greeting card had not written…
○■ あんなに小さかっ のにこんなに... So although it was small, becoming so large, -
○■ While without writing the New Year's greeting card and as for the [tsu] [te]… with thinking, there being various things
○■ 年賀状書かなきゃ けないのに、... The New Year's greeting card book you must be, although, only job of the photograph booklet doing, increase it is, a liberal translation
○■ This month making the New Year's greeting card of the person from the head, [te] your own end, a liberal translation
○■ クリスマス?お正 ?過労死... Christmas? New Year's Day? Overwork dead [re] www
○■ 2011.12/29 [thu, a libera l translation
○■ android携帯からの投 稿... Contribution from android carrying, a liberal translation
○■ It is shopping favorite [ terumasa
○■ 私よりもっと暇な だ... More it is spare time from me
○■ 昨日は館へ
なんと 、久し振り... Yesterday how to the mansion, past after a long time small 12 o'clock end
○■ Last year, you took care very much! Perusal, visit and direct encounter! In any case every, being about to be visible, the place where it is not visible being, to the varieties you taking care, it is [ru] expectation! Thank you!
○■ 明日は神棚に御米 御水に御塩... Tomorrow in the God shelf in the United States we offering the salt, and the drink offering in the water,…
○■ Opening, you question wit h the [me], it is!
○■ 年内は、、実質あ 3日間の業... Within year, with business 3 days after the substances end of year holiday…, a liberal translation
○■ Today entered to carbonat ed spring freely and easily at the nearby super hot spring
New Yearu0026#39;s cards,