- Temporarily, in every item from edge… Φ Ω ' the oyster oyster
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/sironeko_hjs/62999168.html Generally you wiped the window of the place where temporarily, it is visible Geralmente você limpou a janela do lugar onde temporariamente, é visível
- Bee?
http://03388133.at.webry.info/201112/article_20.html Temporarily in [bimiyo] doping (the [ro] w which is the pub remaining overnight) doing from the cold [tsu] [pe] [e], it is the skill which sleeps, a liberal translation Temporariamente [bimiyo] em lubrificar ([ro] o w que é o pub que permanece durante a noite) fazer do frio [tsu] [pe] [e], é a habilidade que dorme
- Milk, a liberal translation
http://hoshino-memi.at.webry.info/201112/article_16.html Temporarily, on just that, you send the 13th, a liberal translation Temporariamente, apenas naquele, você emite o 1ó
- Homemade [pon] vinegar, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/naonaoko420/e/15aeb41565e266470fc77e6c97755fbc Temporarily, per this evening about 10 [ko] the combining [e] which is thrown into with also the bath - - the [hu] [hu Temporalmente, por esta tarde cerca de 10 [ko] el combinar [e] que se lanza en con también el baño - - [HU] [HU
- Siwasu
http://blog.livedoor.jp/eesi1017/archives/51805091.html The kana which probably will be tidied up temporarily a little Você não pensa? temporariamente da visão do trabalho do cartão de ano novo…
- End of year it is!
http://64284295.at.webry.info/201111/article_23.html Temporarily, assuming that stopping/deciding Shari it does in the closet and it is good from the [tsu] [te] [ru] which is sown,, a liberal translation Temporalmente, si se asume que Shari de detención/que decide él hace en el armario y es buenos del [tsu] [te] [ru] se siembra que,
- Cartier à Joel Robchon, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/akinyankorin/entry-11095417724.html In tries doing temporarily En los intentos que hacen temporalmente
- It is UP at your new work store!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/pico_pin/e/a0a31c096441ed308e41ad7121509b95 Don't you think? temporarily from the New Year's greeting card work viewing… Você não pensa? temporariamente da visão do trabalho do cartão de ano novo…
- December!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/0128m/e/d93ada45eabeaff25b9a42b6f7111d55 Temporarily, you ask just the re-covering obtaining of the shoji paper, as for the Japanese room with the glass [sukesuke] state Temporariamente, você pede apenas a obtenção de recuperação do papel do shoji, quanto para ao quarto japonês com o estado de vidro [do sukesuke
- [gi] [ya] -., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/asami1980/entry-11094382210.html Today lays idle momo is temporarily the kana which probably will go even with the play land of the shopping mall Pone hoy momo ocioso es temporalmente el kana que irá probablemente incluso con la tierra del juego de la alameda de compras
New Yearu0026#39;s cards, japanese culture, Livelihood,