- [hu] [tsu] [ku] sack ~ w, a liberal translation
http://habipla-enter7.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-3b37.html - - orz which cannot buy the luck sack of the clothes after all - - orz, das den Glücksack der Kleidung nicht schliesslich kaufen kann
- First day
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tosiomituko/e/e9eef64d2b18ef7a3c35953b560cd3cc From yesterday turbulent weather Vom turbulenten Wetter des Gesterns
- It judges the person with the appearance and the [chi] [ya] scale is…However with you think, just a little you think that there is a relationship.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/gakkoukyuushoku/e/c6cce1a3e781884beb342d67a9fbf5f8 Today is January 6th, a liberal translation Heutiger Tag ist 6. Januar
- The first day of the year for work
http://blog.livedoor.jp/nagomiya358/archives/1699381.html Also New Year's Day event is the first day of the year for work from safe end today Auch Ereignis des neuen Jahres Tagesist- der erste Tag des Jahres für Arbeit vom sicheren Ende heute
- From today in New Year greeting meeting latter-term start
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ytmei39/e/0ba74f9af59c40de1f4223b7ee20003e Approximately, finishing the winter vacation 9 days, through present New Year greeting meeting, my school starts the studies of the latter term, a liberal translation Ungefähr den Winter beendend vacation 9 Tage, durch anwesende Grußsitzung des neuen Jahres, meine Schuleanfänge die Studien des letzten Ausdruckes
- Furthermore with seven grass gruel the New Year's pine decoration and the one [zu] [ke], important matter part being completed
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ytmei39/e/568b72eff6084ec66c763a79748aa827 Also New Year's Day on the 7th, was morning of seven grass gruel at today Tag des auch neuen Jahres auf dem 7., war Morgen der Mehlsuppe mit sieben Gräsern an heute
New Yearu0026#39;s cards, japanese culture, Livelihood,