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○■ 首相は同日、国民 党の亀井静香... The prime minister the same day, ruling party party chief conversation with the Kamei Sizuka representation of national new party went at the official residence
○■ Cutting off the Sun flag of the Democratic party, about having substituted of the party flag of the Democratic party
○■ 辞任キタ━━━━ ━(゚∀... Resignation [kita] ━━━━━━ (゚ ∀ ゚) ━━━━━━!!!!! So party chief discussion being hateful? With the beautiful timing which is said
○■ Letting flow over 10 minu te news, you don't think that the [depa] underground, the large family, the Chinese noodles, sport and the entertainment etc etc it is strange? Although the news which the Japanese citizen should know is Sawayama it does not try to announce
○■ 鳴り物入りの党首 論も国民生... Party chief discussion of fanfare frying pace battle of that removing of national life
○■ Hatoyama neck. The financ ial group, remittance to local end with disguise donation problem of the financial management group “friendship political and economic affairs Forum” of Prime Minister too little statement Hatoyama, from the same meeting, the affiliated political organization the “Hokkaido friendship political and economic affairs Forum” of the prime minister (Muroran city) to contribution, being stated less than fact in the political financial income and outgo report of both groups, it was understood in the story of the authorized personnel, a liberal translation
○■ 自民党も政権を追 込み、衆院... Not only saying, that also the Liberal Democratic Party drives administration, for House of Representatives dispersion aims general election it is something which would like to have preferring the fact that restoration revival measure is advanced before
○■ Me you say, “decentrali zation of authority type society”,①From center decentralization of authority to district and, ②Decentralization of authority to private civil society, is the society which simultaneous in parallel advances from government
○■ 国会の会期と言え ほとんどは... If you mention session of the National Diet, as for the majority as for the opposition party opposition is ruling price vis-a-vis ruling party plan, a liberal translation
○■ Gordon which in the party chief debate of last week is ended in [biriketsu
○■ 今回の選挙の台風 目の 自由... Liberal-Democratic Party nick [kuretsugu] of eye of typhoon of the latest election, a liberal translation
○■ Nevertheless, the Democra tic party is even also the matching being even, the fool, (laughing)
○■ <麻生首相と民主 の鳩山代表... <The Prime Minister Aso and party chief discussion with the Hatoyama representation of the Democratic party on the 12th, was opened at the hotel inside Tokyo, the manifest (administration pledge) with the revenue source and the diplomacy security policy etc which actualize the policy which put out became main point, a liberal translation
○■ しかしこれに対し 麻生首相、... But vis-a-vis this Prime Minister Aso,
○■ With 6 party chief discus sions is pointed out in Prime Minister Aso, vis-a-vis that “if we assume that only such a [ke] the human who did viewing thing is very much there is no excuse”, that Hatoyama
○■ 国民はそのあたり 知りたいは... The citizen probably is the expectation where we would like to know also that and, how no cutting to broadcast, as for the citizen thinks that it can judge with the information which is not operated
○■ Prime Minister Aso from c ombining, you receiving the party chief discussion which it has done to ask, you appreciate gratefully, a liberal translation
○■ しかし、現場はす に放射性物... But, actual place must do the part discharge of the radioactive substance already, it had fallen to the situation
○■ By all means, please clic k the poll button of [enpitsu
○■ 麻生首相は17日 2回目の党首... Prime Minister Aso, calls the thing of American [obama] president “bush president” even with 2nd party chief discussion of 17 days and we have made a mistake, from the intellectual person “already aspect of administration final period has been displayed”, that it is pointed out
○■ As for the prime minister as for the problem “(Japan) can the government bond continue the faith from the market?”, it remains
○■ 民主党は政策決定 ロセスを「官... The Democratic party in order to make decision making process “bureaucratic Cabinet system” empty political main leadership renovate, included “the national strategy bureau installation” of prime minister belonging directly which does “vice minister meeting abolition” and compilation of the budget in the manifest
○■ These are talking of Ja panese blogoholic.
○■ 民主党が敗北すれ 、9月の党首... If the Democratic party is defeated, without waiting for September party chief selection, 菅 it presses for taking responsibility resignation to Naoto
○■ Party chief discussion be ginning political reporting has with Futenma problem and way as for the drill and Hatoyama < concept > you have, but who With? It seems that very personally digs the grave
○■ おっとっと、また 文になってし... It became the [tsu] and the [tsu] and in addition the long sentence
○■ Today in the offer from t he Democratic party, was schedule of party chief discussion, but surely Ichiro style Ozawa
○■ 党首討論は「首相 衆参本会議や... As for party chief discussion “the prime minister does not open group of people going/participating plenary assembly and the week when it attends commission as a general rule”, that Yono. There is the saying adjusting
○■ If so, originally, as for this 卦 it has done just, the 享 [ru, a liberal translation
○■ 【参考】 菅首相党 首討論に「... 菅 Carrying [kanpe] “in the à cross-examination ○ true 摯” and so on to prime minister party chief discussion, a liberal translation
Debate between party leaders,