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○■ 清澄庭園(江東区 ... Clarification garden (Koto Ku)
○■ Hatoyama side gathered th e technique of the father and the dignity Ichiro former foreign minister side, untrue statement repeatedly the doubt which is surfaced over long term
○■ 菅直人の主張が限 なく自民党... The fact that it gets near to the Liberal Democratic Party 菅 not to limit Naoto's insistence is because of that, a liberal translation
○■ The Liberal Democratic Pa rty “putting out pulling up the consumer tax, but dispersion general election” as for the Democratic party “dispersion shows the policy of the tax system drastic reformation which includes consumer tax before the general election”, that, in any case it will increase consumer tax is, a liberal translation
○■ 国民新党に、「み なの党」に... In the national new party, in “the party of everyone”, to “stand up Japan”, it can designate to the corporation people party, something as Japan Communist Party, it is? In most it is quick Japan, it means that the group (political party) of the politician who has the ability to be able to take charge of administration does not exist
○■ Party chief conversation with tv the appearance impression it is not, there is no sense of urgency
○■ みんなを感動でき ようなすて... Everyone, way it can dance the cute kind of tango which you can be impressed,……
○■ In other words, it is tho ught that there is the opinion which appoints the Tanaka hitoshi person in inside the Democratic party
○■ そもそも日銀の金 政策は、?... As for the monetary policy of in the first place Bank of Japan? Is attached
○■ The prime minister in rul ing and opposition parties party chief conversation of 12th afternoon in regard to the nuclear plant “does not become crisis circumstance”, that it had emphasized, a liberal translation
○■ 鳩山由起夫代表、 田克。幹... Hatoyama Yukio representation, Okada 克. Two signboards of the Secretary General are powerful, a liberal translation
○■ Also the party chief conv ersation with Prime Minister Aso is planned on the 13th, you could think that now with supplementary budget and the Lower House election of the national assembly it is big climax,
○■ 鳩山氏も同日夜、 山グループ約... Hatoyama the same day night, “only approval there are choices”, that you declared with the assembly Hatoyama group approximately 20, a liberal translation
○■ You refuted that as for H atoyama “the revenue source is not worried”, that you express, can guarantee 9.1 trillion Yen with the discontinuance and postponement and squander abolition of dam business and the like and reduction of budget ahead order exerted from above of the bureaucracy, a liberal translation
○■ 鳩山代表は、いき り「友愛社会... The result, “being small, as for Hatoyama representation, suddenly “construction of friendship society” goal should have been, shows those which are suitable to that even in the Liberal Democratic Party, warm government” was the Aso answering
○■ But as for discussing the problem which connects directly, to living such as social security and employment and parenting preponderantly the proper, the judgment material of administration selection is not just that
○■ 画面右下にボタン あります... There is a button under the picture right
○■ The fact that consumer ta x is born, has increased taxes, “for corporation tax reduction” seems like actual condition
○■ 民主党政権の悪法 蹴っ飛ばし、... The chance which is driven to the circumstance which the bad law of the Democratic party administration the 蹴 [tsu] is thrown, the Democratic party administration executes reformation is not obtained comes out, probably will be
○■ Yesterday had party chief discussion at the National Diet
○■ 政権交代への大き 期待を背負っ... Shouldering the big expectation to administration alternation, it was starting, but as for actuality the way of straying with the guidance power insufficiency of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has been conspicuous, a liberal translation
○■ As for Komeito as for wor d it is strong, but that” the continuation which you can think whether you can argue it is it is not on the same round sand ring, is read, a liberal translation
○■ 今まで一貫して民 党に入れてき... Until now, being consistent, don't you think? the friend that is “so, you inserted in the Democratic party,… the Democratic party it does not become the [imaichi] letter, it is, don't you think?…
○■ 44% of public opinions is not the Liberal Democratic Party”, it is “not to be the Democratic party”, a liberal translation
○■ マスコミもこれら ことは理解す... Also the mass communications should understand these things, a liberal translation
○■ Either TV station does no t cooperate, in order for this party chief discussion to be done, securely and the [tsu] [chi] [ya] is not good it is it is not, a liberal translation
○■ ところが、首相が 私が発表した... However, because the prime minister “I would like to announce”, that you propose, you took time for adjustment, known fact to the citizen was late as many as 2 hours
○■ If of such is thought, is , don't you think? the expression like whether Noda of current National Diet deliberation it pities quite of, as for the sufferer there is no reason which is wanted pitying, it is
○■ おはようございま 、こんにちは... Good morning, it is, today, densely it is, it is! Which?, a liberal translation
○■ Party chief discussion… the lotus which even the strongest can be said 舫 you reached administrative renovation charge phase, from now on 3rd feature, 4th feature, further, did so far in the surface of the money, but organization or the system it keeps doing the reduction of the thorough wastefulness which is depressed, don't you think?… the mistake [ji] [ya] of w strongest Japanese dismantlement charge minister of state?? w
Debate between party leaders,