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○■ It is voice of the voter, that' you say, but it was not point in time in pledge of February of 08
○■ 小沢被告は、土地 購入資金の4... Defendant Ozawa “inheritance from the parents” and so on explained concerning the origin of 400,000,000 Yen of purchase fund of land
○■ Young Assemblyman of Ozaw a group is “according to maneuvers
○■ 小沢は決して退く とはないだろ... As for Ozawa probably there are no times when never it retreats
○■ The party executive commi ttee for the time being, with the policy of putting the secession report in state of keeping, decides correspondence formally January in the party permanent manager meeting in late of next year
○■ 仙谷由人政調会長 行は実に「い... 仙 valley Yosito Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council vicarious execution is the “disagreeable man” truly
○■ Already, in order a littl e and the [se] is for one to be good healthily, you think, but, a liberal translation
○■ それとも自民党は 閣を優先させ... Or the Liberal Democratic Party making the falling down official building prefer, moving to bill rejection?, a liberal translation
○■ For that being able to gi ve discretionary right, unless you resign and must try to be able to work
○■ その結果、30年 昭和恐慌に陥... As a result, it fell to Showa panic in 30
○■ Investigation required tr ansaction then
○■ したがって、特定 野の政策だけ... Therefore, not only policy of specific field, is the case that the necessity to lead to all policy arises
○■ Furthermore, the partner is Ozawa
○■ しかし、問題があ たかなかった... But, you do not know whether oh high there was no problem, (speaking accurately, being, it cannot prove,), a liberal translation
○■ これは民主主義の 機なのだ... This is crisis of democracy
○■ This judgment should be d iscontinued at once
○■ 「 関連:9月27 日 」... “Relation: September 27th”, a liberal translation
○■ 菅 Doubt of Naoto prime minister donation problem method contradiction “to elucidation investigation indispensability”, a liberal translation
○■ 民主党の1年生衆 議員、阪口直... 1st grade member of the house of representatives of the Democratic party, 阪 oral Naoto on March 27th, being shaken in the colleague Assemblyman 15 person, and the bus it enters into Miyagi prefecture Ishimaki city when, it carried out the furrow, started making helped
○■ The Democratic party on t he 5th, decided party official personal affairs, a liberal translation
○■ 小沢氏には「政治 カネ」の問題... Because problem “of politics and the gold” continued to be pointed out by Ozawa, the whereabouts of consecutive judgment may come to the point of producing big effect to also activity of Ozawa and the group
○■ As for Ozawa's suffering area entering, this 2nd
○■ 一方で、ふつうに 磨きをしてい... On the one hand, although the tooth polishing just is done normally, the person who one does not have the carious tooth is
○■ Then, that my stock gold will be raised for the time being, business
○■ そして陸山会は、 の
借入金で... And as for land mountain meeting, it is to purchase the land with this loan, a liberal translation
○■ The Ozawa Ichiro “Fukus hima prefecture people may cause Kasumigaseki the demonstration which is surrounded”
○■ ◆
天木直人2012年0 3月... * Heaven wooden Naoto 2012 March 20th * everything starts from Ichiro's Ozawa judgment of acquittal
○■ <Omaezaki mayor select ion > with supposition second look at tidal wave and the like field.
○■ 1.独り言コラム 阪神の主砲... 1. When the soliloquize column Osaka and Kobe main gun Kanemoto intellectual law player is appealed with blackmail, the weekly magazine of yesterday sale announces