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○■ Because the suspicion whi ch was put on Ozawa mono it is not so difficult
○■ Public Prosecutor's Offic e now shakes in unprecedented scandal, but as for the Oobayasi Public Prosecutor General there is a viewpoint that, it is close to Ichiro Ozawa of the Democratic party, being entwined with the resolution of the inquest of prosecution meeting which is called during this month, in the future it is expected that these problems to anti- counter Ozawa's Ozawa keep being connected fight,
○■ Saying, that stop Ozawa s top, becoming non-prosecution, investigation was defeated, if it respects reason, it should respect the result
○■ As for the Democratic par ty permitting, good sense of the citizen probably will not permit that
○■ To inquest of prosecution meeting the power which accuses should make the name clear
○■ Those where also 2 times had become non-prosecution in the investigation special 捜 section became prosecution in the inquest of prosecution meeting
○■ Consideration [burogu] co ncerning investigation conference
○■ Ozawa made organization a nd/or crushed
○■ But. As for the Tomoko tr ial counsel as for illegal fact although it recognizes, it is it deals with about not to be problem unilaterally,
○■ In any case, if this syst em this way, the mass communications instigating, the person who makes clothes in the criminal probably is entirely to become prosecution
○■ As for the “citizen gro up” Ozawa was prosecuted as for the “citizen group” stated deliberation to investigation conference concerning Ozawa's doubt
○■ Democratic party Secretar y General, Ichiro Ozawa “prosecution suitable” was resolved from Tokyo 5th inquest of prosecution meeting
○■ When “prosecution suita ble” 2 times appears in the inquest of prosecution meeting, forcing prosecution…
○■ Again to non-prosecution reexamination in the incident which is related to the political fund of Secretary General Ozawa of the Democratic party, as for Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section on the 21st, even with the re-investigation which receives the resolution of inquest of prosecution meeting as for the new evidence which shows the fact that Ozawa participates in incident assuming that it was not, it designated Ozawa freshly as non-prosecution
○■ As for investigation the black and white must be shown,
○■ “Prosecution suitable [2010.4.28 postscripts] inquest of prosecution meeting concerning Prime Minister Hatoyama did the resolution, “non-prosecution suitable”, in Ozawa, but everyone agreement (11 people) with put out the conclusion, “prosecution suitable” in Secretary General Ozawa
○■ Defendant Ishikawa “rep orted to Ozawa concerning untrue statement, obtained acknowledgment” that testimony before the prosecuting
○■ Ozawa “prosecution suit able” of inquest of prosecution meeting is expressed that, it is the first step
○■ The Democratic party or , there is no orthodox characteristic of power in Naoto
○■ 検察審査会
○■ * Article: < Land moun tain meeting incident > Ozawa Secretary General “prosecution suitable” resolution inquest of prosecution meeting (April 27th 15:33 transmission everyday the newspaper) in the political financial readjustment method violation incident which is related to the land purchase of the financial management group “land mountain meeting” of Democratic party Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa, Tokyo 5th inquest of prosecution meeting on the 27th, Ozawa non-prosecution (the suspicion insufficiency) with made the dealing of Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section which is done unjust, “prosecution suitable” resolved
○■ The conclusion that has c ome out even in the inquest of prosecution meeting the investigation to two floor minister of state is insufficient,
○■ Again, investigation ente rs into investigation, but whether or not the next as non-prosecution, the attorney becoming the trial counsel depending upon the amendment of law, “forcing prosecution” because it reached the point where it is possible, innocence anyhow, being prosecuted absolutely, you must stand in the court, it came to the point of
○■ It is the prospect that r esolution of inquest of prosecution meeting is soon put out even in non-prosecution dealing of the incident which is related to the political fund of Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa of the Democratic party
○■ Inquest of prosecution me eting says that it is constituted by 11 citizens, but if 11 ordinary citizens of the amateurs 2 times resolves those which Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section decides non-prosecution once in law, if it is to be able to prosecute mandatorily, what meaning of existence of the trial counsel as for?
○■ The sum total which was o ffered on Ozawa side it is 100,000,000 Yen or more”, that you revealed
○■ In order advancing the di spersion radio wave auction conversion of prohibition reporter's club of the quick thing cross ownership system, you desire to the Democratic party,
○■ Whether with problem of c riminal procedure, it prosecutes, or does not do, being something which “investigation” has decided monopolistically, Hyogo prefecture Akashi city sponsoring in 2001, regarding to the fireworks festival which you opened, the sight-seeing customer concentrated on the sidewalk bridge and the accident which is inverted in the shogi pushing down happened, the disaster which produces approximately 250 human killed and wounded who include 11 death people
○■ After all, you say, or ap pealed the Ozawa non-prosecution injustice to inquest of prosecution meeting “the citizen” was present
○■ In addition, inquest of p rosecution meeting there is no statement from the victim et. al, investigation
Prosecution Committee,