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○■ 子供のころと、味 ちがってサク... Time of the child and, taste being different, [sakusaku] having done, the calling and the soybean we love even in the tasty ~ body
○■ 今年わやっと
空� と豆まき出来... This year the [wa] at last the empty � and the bean firewood it is possible, well the �� [ji] way returning quickly, therefore the walnut you want, however the [a] which is the pleasure - the [tsu] (the ∀) the papa [wa] it is not… This year the [wa] it is to be patient!!
○■ �戻る
リアル�201 1年02... The � real �2011 year February 04th returns (fri) The bean firewood you forgot also the blessing one volume which is forgotten and you forget also the temple of the bean firewood 06 where the blessing one volume [wa] we would like to eat: 48: 24
○■ Passing also 5 days, it i ncreases, but (laughing) paragraph amount of this year the niece [tsu] child properly the bean spreading
○■ 今晩は、ナベさん す!! い... This evening is the pan!! Say February 3rd is the happiness hill so!! Today it is paragraph amount, you did of course, not to be the bean firewood, blessing method winding this year, in south southeast commemoration 1 pans, at speed of wonder the between food (the all-inclusive food)
○■ ところで昨日ウチ ってから豆... After by the way within yesterday returning, the bean firewood you did
○■ Well when the paragraph a mount father returns, that the bean firewood will be done, morning, you promised today to mao
○■ 『ファンタスティ ク・カップ... '[hamari] passing the [huantasuteitsuku] couple,' if other drama the [te], it does not change genre concerning the hand, with, to the period adventure drama…, a liberal translation
○■ 豆も、大豆は誰も べないので、... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ setsubun no mamemaki ha �� narajidai karano zenkokuteki na fuushuu desu �� kitei mo takahatafudou to hiejinja ni mamemaki ni itta to itsutte mashitayo �� kansai deha �� setsubun no nichi ni megumi houwo mui te futomaki ki wo tabe ruto iu fuushuu gaari �� konbiniensu niyori zenkokuteki ni ninchi saretekimashitaga �� jitsuha �� shouwa ���� nendai ni nori ya sanga nori no juyou kakudai notameni kangae tamonorashiidesu �� chokore^to to barentain no kankei desune ��
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