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○■ そして今日は1月 “杉の子キ... And in the friend object which enters “child kids April of the January from cedar”, tearing the paper, making round, to diagnose today in the bean, with the drawing paper making the angular box It did
○■ そうすればもし明 が来ないと... So if it does, assuming, if tomorrow does not come, because, you do not regret today probably will be the day before yesterday, the bean firewood was done even with “house tree ease of happy circle”
○■ このお料理教室に って、私の... Going to this cooking classroom, the air where my dream is visible a little did
○■ As for the bean firewood of this shrine, other than the luck bean, Sawayama's is [] ill-smelling is the candy together is spread, it is the [tsu] which is
○■ お庭の木に鬼のお を吊して... Hanging the surface of the ogre to the wood of the garden, with everyone, “the ogre inside - with applying, the bean firewood skill did outside - luck” there, so is, a liberal translation
○■ 『立春』 は1年の 始まりなん... 'Setting-in of spring' is start of 1 years, a liberal translation
○■ “< The fall winter & gt; the Saitokiki event up-to-date article [ajihuesu] today of the category which does” in the 2nd meeting place before the Hakata station which can be made new… << Paragraph amount festival >> the ardor which is transmitted (5) the east long temple sesame you kindle and << paragraph amount festival >> the ardor which is transmitted (4) the east long temple [demo] you do and increase << paragraph amount festival >> the ardor which is transmitted (3) comb rice field shrine benefit 々 prosperous << paragraph amount festival >> the ardor which is transmitted (2) ardor of the comb rice field shrine bean firewood, a liberal translation
○■ 「街森」の文字だ で終わらせ... It tries to be able to finish with just the letter of the “town forest”, the home of the city where the cool human that is many just it becomes we would not like to relate with the person, is made to associate don't you think?
○■ 美味しそうに食べ がらも、き... Tastily although so eating, in [meiko] and [miku] which you stare with the expression which the sewer at all is done, I in order to cheat, keep increasing laughter, a liberal translation
○■ Day of paragraph amount i s the son who when we go to bed, continued to be the nursery school from the time before, but it was to enter the day of paragraph amount without either the expectation such being permitted,, a liberal translation
○■ 楽しそうに眺めと ました... It is pleasant, so you watched and took, a liberal translation
○■ 幼稚園行事の豆ま に間に合わ... In order to make the bean firewood of preschool event be in time, because it is the hospital of 1 hours or less by the car of those which it has doing at quickest 9 o'clock, arriving to the preschool 10:30
○■ しかも自分で立て らしいじゃ... Furthermore you raised by your, it seems it is not, is?, a liberal translation
○■ Having roasting all the w ay in sho which measures the United States “the ogre called outside” with big voice facing toward outside the snow falls,
○■ 「体重がえっらい えたけど... “However weight increased huh the leprosy, something going to travelling which is”, it is the [gu] which is the [gu] eating lazily,…With 'something?' as for however it was, a liberal translation
○■ 豆まきは毎年して るし、年の数... The bean firewood every year has done however and, equal to the number of years the [tsu] [te] which eats the bean you do also the fact that you say, it is blessing one volume has not been eaten properly
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