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○■ You eat the beans, the ag e (East Asian age reckoning u003d満年齢+1) It s a response for the good luck to enter the body! Geneva, the two of us ate the beans each year, one year, it is good health u0026amp; happy
○■ What is now the word has been initially rolled Ehou Kansai is moving to the country, first realized that there is a thick roll silently eating habits Kio Mukai Ehou
○■ ☆ Setsubun bean-throwin g ceremony today was a day-care center at (o ^ _ ^ o) for the day, joined headgear and beans make a box of children and Demons
○■ Alright, after the close of winter weekends are chock-full of information open house! Koriyama, Sukagawa in the city Motomiya, 12 It has been held in the houses contain information
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