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○■ When the bean firewood is begun, the lily 'throws with the outside ~', but as for the mallow the ogre fearfully the [ri], picking up the bean which the lily threw you ate aria
○■ [buroguneta]: Paragraph a mount! At your house bean firewood? Blessing one winding? Participation minor defect amount bean firewood every year, the grandmother roasting with the frying pan, and spreads in each room & the entryway
○■ In! No girl scampered, is not it external ( ・ω・`) Today is Setsubun! I was obsessed with that from the bean-throwing ceremony yesterday morning張Ri切Rimashita! In that house is somehow the way this number is the lucky direction of the bean-throwing ceremony in the morning ... I m not your average sushi
○■ Good evening today is tha t the bean-Setsubun! Ehou winding and ate ... (eat Rorukekimaki Ehou grave wound) I wonder which family member was healthy and happy family again this year now! The evening got off a snowman made of snow but also a little laugh today Temashita good night died after falling Ja ☆
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