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○■ 「道場日記」カテ リの最新記... The up-to-date article “of school diary” category it is [be] ones and to come, it became the dragon tiger slow, but… the 10th prefectural weight system conference the examination tired way & 11th prefectural type conference combined summer combined summer it is lodging together from lodging together 1st day tomorrow!! (To Friday it is close)
○■ Today at the workplace is the bean firewood red sandal wood in the paragraph amount event, but it is the [tsu] [te] what thing which [kosupure] of the ogre points suddenly w
○■ 今日は2月3日・ 節分です... Today February 3rd is paragraph amount, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は節分、イワ の大嫌いな... Today paragraph amount, because of Tommy's abhors the sardine made the Japanese radish lowering of [shirasu
○■ 豆を投げると愛犬 走り回って... When the bean is thrown, the love dog running around, to eat… entirely, because the [chi] [ya] [u] just it did a little
○■ このブログのフォ チャンネル... Photo channel of this [burogu, a liberal translation
○■ “As for ogre outside ~! As for luck the inside ~!”When it is evening, it is audible from the house of [achikochi],… also voice of the father who usually does not put out big voice and voice of the child are audible together
○■ 今日は2月3日節 です... Today is February 3rd paragraph amount
○■ これは立ち読みし だけですが、... It just browsed this, but this was funny, is, a liberal translation
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