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○■ The chief ogre appearing suddenly from the shade, becomes simultaneously the bean firewood extreme with the surprise at a stroke,, a liberal translation
○■ 我が家はいまだに デジ化して... To area [deji] we do not convert the pad yet, the how hdd video recording re-gray fabric breaks down, a liberal translation
○■ 今年もさわやかに まきに参加... This year participating in the bean firewood refreshingly, it increases
○■ [buroguneta]: This year t he bean firewood it does? While participating the bean firewood it was not popular, is, simply, equal to the number of years to eat the bean, because there is no 20 year old which is the better cartridge 19 you ate
○■ そして、明日は立 ・・・... And, tomorrow setting-in of spring…
○■ 豆まきをする家、 方巻きを食... Is today day when such as the house which does the bean firewood it has the seasonal impression and the house which eats the blessing one winding don't you think? probably will be
○■ The paragraph amount ~ ev eryone bean firewood it did? The father aiming small time, because it is the paragraph amount which remembered that you threw when it winds and the can [pi] [yo] [u] winding which is your sushi mother handmade says nothing and eats 1st love [a] [ri] increase [yu] [ruru] it is in the Yamada Family then
○■ 豆まきをすると、 心します、... When the bean firewood is done, you feel at rest, it will be clear, a liberal translation
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