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○■ 筆者佐藤彦一郎
約 9年半近く放... Sato writer 彦 nearly Ichiro approximately 9 year half hp while it is left (the manuscript to be done in the virus, that way leaving) Publication such as past [merumaga
○■ You walked warmly when is , with the camera at front and back of setting-in of spring, you took the flower which has bloomed
○■ 立春立夏立秋立冬 の前の日が節... Setting-in of spring stand summer stand fall day before the stand winter this paragraph amount… is with the [tsu] lever which divides season, don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ When there is a thing whi ch raises, to part with such as my, destiny study and experience and intelligence the mail please do easy, as for the gist, 2010.9/17 “, the infrequent consultation mail with unexpected development” being similar, please, a liberal translation
○■ 暦の上では「立春 が過ぎた... On the calendar “setting-in of spring” passed
○■ 季節のかわりめ・ ・」 と話始... The change [me] of season…” with story the scene which is begun is always remembered
○■ When new brown of 88 nigh t picking is drunk, there being a reporting that can be passed in one annual non illness breath disaster, “therefore luck ones” with every year the mother-in-law sends, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は、「立春」( 2月4日19... Today is “setting-in of spring” (February 4th 19:22 315 degrees)
○■ This year east Japanese l arge earthquake disaster and March, with the little rain of April and violent fluctuations of air temperature growth was late from ordinary year
○■ カテゴリー、時流 関するコラム... The column regarding category and world trend and the column regarding age theory society and political reporting, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみに日本史上 低気温記録は... By the way minimum air temperature record in the Japanese history on 1902 January 25th is below freezing 41 degrees with Asahikawa
○■ 今朝はかなり冷え みました車内... Now morning the inside of car of car where it is cold rather easily is not warmed and the [te], tension is well low at the time of ~ commuting receiving low setting-in of spring, the still cold [tsu] it does!
○■ 【四柱推命】天地 式・六星ゼロ... Heaven and earth non type six star zero studies << The oriental view of history positive and negative principles five line fortune-telling >>
○■ 立春も過ぎ、少し さは和らい... It passes also setting-in of spring, a little perhaps cold it was softened,
○■ The following day of para graph amount, setting-in of spring…It is called sign of the spring, but still that spring the feeling which is distant! When you compare from around the winter solstice, it understands that sinking [ku] time of the evening sun has extended rather,
○■ 高知・司牡丹の立 朝搾りを... Because the store which sells the setting-in of spring morning contraction of the Kochi Osamu peony was found with Matsuyama the fact that you inserted in the hand is one week ago, a liberal translation
○■ 今日5月6日は「 夏」です... Present May 6th is “stand summer”
○■ Because < Nikkei month foot - 10 years - > (optimism) together it is day foot indication, please click 10 years of bar, a liberal translation
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