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○■ 昨日は自宅でのん りと思ってい... Yesterday thought freely and easily at the home, but it was attached to the shopping of the wife and the next man cell and could be brought together and after all was [atsushi] your 1 days (the note pc which uses also laughing today at the university is broken and associating to the next man cell which becomes the predicament which buys note pc newly may become to go out, a liberal translation
○■ そういえばもうす 立春ですね... So if you say, already seeing the shank harmony candy immediately with setting-in of spring, you remembered
○■ 立春を過ぎ、日中 水温が1... It passed setting-in of spring, Japan and China water temperature to the 15℃ vicinity reached the point where it rises
○■ Setting-in of spring pass ing, the snow gets off, still cold day continues, but haiku is season word of the spring from this month, a liberal translation
○■ 今日のメッセージ
今朝の... Present message: Now from bodily sensation of morning, 3.11 days were cold, is, but it was fine weather
○■ This year the pattern?
○■ ちょっと寂しいで が、寒がり... Just a little it is lonesome, is, but the [ri] this feeling is recognized coldly well in me
○■ Snow mountain play after the preschool is healthy even at such a day
○■ それでも無事に小 まで下りて... Even then descending safely to the small pass, just a little it approaches, the road, a liberal translation
○■ But next week 8 the empty chill again always may become harsh
○■ 立春と行っても「 は名のみの... Going setting-in of spring, “spring cold and the ♪ of the wind only of name” still is the depth of winter
○■ In addition, also harvest job of cultivation [wakame] starts, spring gets near steadily
○■ Because this year it cann ot go, those of the time before, a liberal translation
○■ もちろん魚類で身 に含有してい... As for with the Pisces containing of course in the body meat just the salmon, a liberal translation
○■ Paragraph amount, to expe l the ogre, malice, luck the house you taking in by your, entering the vigorous spring, a liberal translation
○■ Today warm late March it is cheerful, so it is easy to pass at outside, a liberal translation
○■ これからまた、頻 を元に戻し... And, resetting on the basis of frequency from now on, the [tsu] which with the [bo] which is force would like to keep making the [i] it does, a liberal translation
○■ “On the calendar fall i s, but don't you think? still heat continues”, that every year you see with news, a liberal translation
○■ 「写真の紹介」カ ゴリの最新... In the up-to-date article everyone raw fishing port “of introduction category of the photograph” as for the snow there is modification in the exit of the river which becomes weak in the power recent cold which sees the scenery and the spectacle which are not, the winter of the mountain shade the clouding heaven or the rain or the snow, a liberal translation
○■ Now morning - was 6 degre es, but, Japan and China rising to 6 degrees, was rather warm, is, a liberal translation
○■ 2月9日の県政報 会には、当... While being cold, in the multitude attendance it receives the day in the prefectural governmental briefing February 9th, appreciation says from heart
○■ It became Nagakute city a nd with the January of this year, one flat became the mayor
○■ 「節分」は本来、 節の移り変... “Paragraph amount” originally, when season changes, in sense, pointed to the preceding day of the setting-in of spring stand summer stand fall stand winter
○■ When it passes setting-in of spring, finally spring the seasonal impression the [me] of being
○■ Tomorrow although paragra ph amount, on the calendar spring is with preceding day of setting-in of spring, a liberal translation
○■ 2012/02/01 東京風... E ven if 2012/02/01 Tokyo wind
○■ On the calendar spring is , but cold more has become harsh, a liberal translation
○■ 暦便覧では 春の気 立つを以って... In the calendar manual the air of the spring it stands from here the [tsu] [te] 也 with being recorded, it increases
○■ Yesterday 12 of night o'c lock immediately before
○■ このブログを見ら ましたら、... When you can look at this [burogu], one time mail