- Already a little
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tc-body/e/c773c06f724d34ba6299d0b8e9d0cb4f However it is cold still, after already a little spring the shank, a liberal translation 然而天气在小的春天以后已经仍然冷的,小腿
- Tagawa Kikuo diary
http://rokurin-syoboo.cocolog-nifty.com/sigatari/2012/02/post-ded7-4.html Extent it is distant still in democracy nation, a liberal translation 程度它是遥远的平静在民主国家
- The [u] like this the [do] [me]., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/saby-36/entry-10798770069.html Don't you think? still cold day may continue, a liberal translation 您是否不认为? 冷的天也许继续
- Diary of [hutsu, a liberal translation
http://dokusou2007.blog121.fc2.com/blog-entry-1648.html It seems that cold continues still 看起来寒冷仍然继续
Woosu, japanese culture,