- Paragraph amount*
http://ameblo.jp/punisuke/entry-10793366269.html It became slow, but it is the article of paragraph amount of last week* As for this day, Otto returning, the ♪ which does the bean spreading Il est devenu lent, mais c'est l'article de la quantité de paragraphe de la semaine dernière * quant à ce jour, Otto retournant, le ♪ qui fait la propagation d'haricot
- The ~ where also February is the middle, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/qpc/entry-10802262553.html There was a paragraph amount in the February beginning Il y avait une quantité de paragraphe dans le commencement de février
- It offers the fresh talkings of Japanese directly.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/1282161227/e/f9476cfb380170c26b4bc63dae808522 It became slow, but… as for paragraph amount of the pad… Il est devenu lent, mais… quant à la quantité de paragraphe de la garniture…
- Did you find the information you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
http://qupuqupu.jugem.jp/?eid=529 Passing also 5 days, it increases, but (laughing) paragraph amount of this year the niece [tsu] child properly the bean spreading Passant également 5 jours, il augmente, mais (riant) quantité de paragraphe de cette année l'enfant de nièce [tsu] correctement la propagation d'haricot
- These are a Lots of Japanese the most recent topics.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kurumiruku1016/e/a658f199c5bf36b7375f0029c0dcfa38 The event air shame oak walnut where the bean spreading and the child do not stay (the [ma] [me] firewood and this the [gi] [yo] maggot coming expectation oak which is not) La noix de chêne de honte d'air d'événement où la propagation de l'haricot et l'enfant ne restent pas ([mA] [je] le bois de chauffage et ceci [gi] [yo] le chêne venant d'espérance de larve qui n'est pas)
Setsubun bean -, japanese culture,