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○■ “Don't you think? the l unch two this the last oak and others - -” with it is good,…, a liberal translation
○■ 桜は、もう見ごろ 過ぎた感じで... The cherry tree around sees already and it is regrettable with the feeling which it passes, but weather it was good, being crowded with the person of the multitude, it was pleasant, is
○■ Can be also story slow af ter a long time, it was pleasant, is
○■ もう少しで満開に るでしょうか... Already, a little it becomes the full bloom, probably will be? When waiting for the fact that it blooms the [tsu] [te, a liberal translation
○■ Temporarily, taking the p hotograph…
○■ その後、桜満開の 通公園でもひ... After that, one it does to play even with the traffic playground of the cherry tree full bloom, the ♪ which is one day of cherry tree [zu] paragraph, a liberal translation
○■ Well, the topic which att racted the attention in the present newspaper
○■ 昨日まで蕾だった 小学校の桜も... Soon the 咲 can… now it may be in time to Hanami of weekend, the cherry tree of the west small school which is the bud and the cherry tree of the city hall how without becoming colored to yesterday is, a liberal translation
○■ Don't you think? yesterda y was one Japan and China your splendid weather, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は共産党のお 見会があった... Today there was a Japan Communist Party Hanami meeting
○■ It went to the May mounta in with Hanami aim
○■ 巷で人気のサドル. .. With society saddle of popularity, a liberal translation
○■ Safety it ended also Yawa ta Azuchi Hanami bus trip, a liberal translation
○■ 先週末は近くの公 でお花見... Last week end when at this of the ^^ which does Hanami with the nearby park time going, before the full bloom, a liberal translation
○■ Everyone well - densely i t is, it is already the cherry tree sporadically to start scattering, the better seed
○■ ねここです 3連続 のちまち... Because the cat densely waiting [ma] renewal of 3 continuations later which are and this cherry tree which is end with this started scattering gradually, this week Monday, in the big park which is the place about of walking 15 minute, last Hanami (simply walking but it went, furthermore well -, closely densely it is in the place, knowing the existence itself of the how park which has the place where Hanami it is possible as for passing by the [te] and the vicinity there are many degrees, but it is the entrance of this open space was not recognized and the [te], entering was not, it is, don't you think? being soon, when you see, already the leaf [tsu] [pa] becoming many, the [ru] woodSporadical
○■ Weekend it will be rushin g with the guest, a liberal translation
○■ 満開を過ぎてすで 散り始め... Passing the full bloom, already it starts scattering,
○■ With true Japan already, it is full delightful feeling
○■ 昨日、家族みんな
伯父の... Yesterday, it went to the home of the uncle with family everyone
○■ As for the cherry tree of the daytime when last year it does such feeling, a liberal translation
○■ 帰りにホームセン ーに寄りま... The ~ which approached to foam/home center in the return
○■ Today the [ji] [bu] is wi th the book which it had was read, but
○■ 今日は風もなく梅 明けの夏を... Today the summer of the ending of Bai-u seems the way without either the wind!
○■ What with after passing p leasant time, it returned to [kinchiyousutajiamu] past 5 o'clock, a liberal translation
○■ そしてもう一軒、 らにもう一... And already one eaves, furthermore already one eaves
○■ The flower began to scatt er being very clean, from the full bloom and it was state, but the mayor being able to do errand urgently, fax entered that with, she of the manager had called off
○■ 【無料メールセミ ーのお問い... , a liberal translation
○■ 'The sea bird' empty of t he one foot you ask
○■ 「サロンアンテナ カテゴリの... The up-to-date article “of salon antenna” category lately a little, a liberal translation