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○■ なんかさー電車を 時間30... No umbrella - the streetcar 1 hour 30 minutes it just rode it becomes the scenery which is different so much, it is the shelf, with you thought again and, still furthermore the place where it does not go closely at the place being a large quantity in Japan, it does not go to either the good place still at all, it is the shelf, with you thought again, a liberal translation
○■ The person who enjoys one person boat descent before that, it was, a liberal translation
○■ あ、分かってます ... The [a], understanding, it increases, a liberal translation
○■ Even a little, being accu stomed? When (laughing) you probably will put, with the karaoke, it tried inquiring about those tunes
○■ 七条通りをまっす 東へ向かっ... According to of seven provision facing to straight east, it goes to according to Higasioozi, it rises it bends to just a little north and when to east, there the Yutaka national 廟 going/participating road, a liberal translation
○■ When it passes by the spr ing water park and the whirling park, still the cherry tree was the full bloom
○■ ところがなんとこ 花びらの量... However the quantity of the how this petal, a liberal translation
○■ でも、出だしがお 前... So, it starts coming out, before the noon
○■ The black 仔 cat where s o, the following day and that following day come before the inside, a liberal translation
○■ それでも、今日も 所の公園に... Even then, today in the park of neighborhood, the circumstances where Hanami's person has come well enough
○■ After that coming is corp s of the caterpillar
○■ そしてそしてそし 、不甲斐な... And and, in without being non- worth today and… it is not to be able to renew (crying)
○■ Then it had bloomed
○■ これは試作なので ネッティン... Because this is trial manufacture, finishing the part which from the netting changes to the daisy, more cleanly, when we would like to arrange also the shop to, thought now the [tsu] it does, a liberal translation
○■ It commuted from this ins tant, and she who is the cat became to live as “a clo” of pad
○■ お花見要員があち ちに寝てま... The Hanami necessary personnel sleeping in here and there, it increases, (laughing), a liberal translation
○■ The water was the self, a liberal translation
○■ 5時になって家の くから桜... Being at 5 o'clock, walking the cherry tree Namiki paralleling from the vicinity of the house, it keeps entering to the big natural park
○■ It is to be the intention showing the Kanazawa cherry tree, but…
○■ 週末は混雑が予想 れますの... Because weekend congestion is expected, you see weekday as much as possible the male be completed
○■ Me also the master, with alternation, taking the panda properly 2 shots and/or something doing, a liberal translation
○■ 桜並木は桜吹雪で た... Cherry tree Namiki was the cherry tree snowstorm
○■ When it goes to the daugh ter and shopping, it is easy to enter to also the store of the young person and it tries entering to the miscellaneous goods which change and, in that appearance is pleasant
○■ 今日はダンナちゃ は遅いら... Today as for [danna] it is slow, it seems
○■ Even then, the Chinese to wn avenue had been crowded with many people
○■ そうしてくださる 生なら、... So, if the teacher doing, certainly this year the all right shelf - with you could think, a liberal translation
○■ And, the right the traini ng car which turns left increased midway the assassin from icpo…
○■ しばらく山の中を って行く... For a while when it keeps climbing in the mountain, view changes suddenly, a liberal translation
○■ But today “ear -!!!”W ith saying, to the inner part of the bedroom, a liberal translation
○■ お弁当をたべない いけませ... Unless the lunch it is there must be a [be], because! With you say, or the air like that main the ^^;