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○■ o(^…... , a libera l translation
○■ 17:44 from sae... As for 17:44 from saezuri formality as for live [tsuito] in 41 minutes the latter half 38 minutes, a liberal translation
○■ Make-up in 13:55 from soi cha car while appreciating, high school student kana
○■ 皆様の見る参考に ればと思い... If it becomes the reference which everyone sees while with thinking, it designates excavation as purpose
○■ Now Hanami of weekend the still quick oak and others?
○■ 今年も募金箱を用 しておきま... Because this year the collecting box is prepared, when just you can contribute even with feeling, that we think
○■ Because this year it was cold, now around sees,
○■ 今回はどうなるか ハラハラし... This time that it did feel nervously how it becomes, but it keeps settling safely, the better seed -, a liberal translation
○■ Is arrangement tool meeti ng of the spring of everyone how?
○■ ちょっとだけ薦め のを躊躇し... Just a little just recommending you hesitated, a liberal translation
○■ At the place of interest of the cherry tree, spring the person whom it visits in Hanami is many, is, a liberal translation
○■ 今年もお花見出来 かな〜... This year the kana which Hanami, it is possible -
○■ The Hanami concert with M idorikawa Kawaguchi is April 7th, a liberal translation
○■ Sale of Hanami set is com memorated, (perhaps) the Hanami coffee is held on April 8th of cherry tree full bloom
○■ 平和にお花見でき といいな... Hanami should have been achieved to peace…, a liberal translation
○■ mantanweb (the [ma] it is it is it is the web) - everyday 2012/03/2407 than the newspaper digital: 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2012/03/2406 than ny Dow Jones rally and final value 34 strong dollar asahi.com: 27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - During 4 human rescuing it falls to 2 human seas, 2012/03/2400 than fishing boat turning over asahi.com of the unclear 奄 beauty open sea: 55, a liberal translation
○■ Because today to the room seeing river the cherry tree which starts blooming at last even with the ~ which goes to Hanami the flower considerably has scattered Monday after one relaxing to the full bloom, although you think, today already to scatter tend every year has enjoyed with gale to yesterday, rather be disheartened is, a liberal translation
○■ 久しぶりの専務日 の更新です... It is renewal of the infrequent special duty diary
○■ Don't you think? as for t he night work progresses after all
○■ やっと春らしくな てきました... Spring it stopped seeming at last
○■ Present start of everyone…
○■ Up-to-date article March 21st number March 20th number March 19th number March 18th number March 17th number “of [hanarei] [arohahawaianzu]” category
○■ 2012/03/26, a liberal tra nslation
○■ 08:06 from ついっ... W hen 08:06 from unintentionally [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple for the first time, you inquired about the Ijuin lap, the tear it came out from morning, a liberal translation
○■ (^o^) …, a liberal translation
○■ 今日はお花見など あるのでお... Because today there is Hanami et. al, the day off is many, it is with the shank, a liberal translation
○■ By all means please be up per play smell of the invitation adjusting, a liberal translation
○■ お花見行かなくっ ゃ... Hanami not going [tsu] [chi] [ya
○■ This year just a little e xtending pair, the kana ♪ which Hanami will be done
○■ とりあえず早めに 定決まるとい... Temporarily ahead of time schedule it should have been decided