- “There is Hanami's schedule?”
http://ameblo.jp/tanshiolemon39/entry-11212965100.html Now weekend, you see and may become time is, a liberal translation Weekend maintenant, vous voyez et pouvez devenir temps est
- “Tool [do] it is and the [wa] is” first participation
http://orihime.cocolog-nifty.com/harmonica/2012/04/post-0d72.html Now weekend peak kana -, a liberal translation Maintenant kana maximal de week-end -
- [someiyoshino] to bloom, passing, -.
http://ameblo.jp/hana1141/entry-11206878136.html Now Hanami of weekend the still quick oak and others? Maintenant Hanami de week-end le chêne rapide encore et d'autres ?
- It is flying
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/qootan_1947/e/75cf0d5d945d876841a4ed267ccb348b That this week it is peak of pollen scattering, it is reported, but 20 years it comes and but the hay fever of association, the [yu] [tsu] taking and promenade cannot do either Hanami from re-next week Que cette semaine c'est crête de pollen dispersant, il est rapporté, mais 20 ans elle vient et mais la fièvre de foin de l'association, [yu] [tsu] la prise et promenade ne peut pas faire l'un ou l'autre Hanami de re-prochaine semaine
Hanami, Food And Drinks , japanese culture, Leisure,