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○■ April 28th (wood)
○■ 1000本の桜が有りま す... There are 1000 these cherry trees, a liberal translation
○■ <八重桜の向こう のゾーン... <There is a graveyard of the pad in the zone of far side of the eightfold cherry tree, >, a liberal translation
○■ 2011,4,28 (wood)
○■ 八重桜・・・出番 待ってま... The eightfold cherry tree… waiting for turn, it increases -, a liberal translation
○■ When (there is doubling, exemption do
○■ 頑張る友達に、お そわけです... In the friend who perseveres, it is male [so] reason!
○■ 昨日は、早めにお ご飯をいた... Yesterday received the noon boiled rice ahead of time, before the rain starts getting off went out,, a liberal translation
○■ Tomorrow way it clears up!
○■ 我が家の花壇にも の装いを準... You intend to prepare the dressing up in the spring even in the flower bed of the pad
○■ At least you spoke that 1 00 years old will be designated as goal,
○■ 今朝も生暖かい南 が強くなっ... The south wind whose now also morning is warm has become strong, a liberal translation
○■ As for truth to commencem ent of work system it is to be the intention of not renewing, but the ^^ which is feeling, a liberal translation
○■ ピンク色でかわい ったらあり... When you say lovely with pink color, it is and the [ya] does not do is
○■ After all also the candy spring the shank ~
○■ まだまだ開拓は続 ・・・... Still, development continues,…
○■ Something, becoming delig htful, it copies grandly
○■ どちらも2日間か て全ての旅... 2 days applying both, it turns all hotels, a liberal translation
○■ So… you cannot take suc h a, it is, don't you think?, after all
○■ それにしても今年 まだまだ冷... This year it becomes cold nevertheless still
○■ And it becomes the leaf c herry tree immediately, green of the new leaves becomes beautiful, a liberal translation
○■ こんな季節は、自 の足で歩く... Such a season, walking with your own foot most with the shank!
○■ The 11℃ there was an ai r temperature with the time where it passes 5 o'clock a little, a liberal translation
○■ 関東だと4月中旬 らいが見... When it is Kanto, about the middle of April sees and time is!!
○■ Today the just a little s kin is cold? Daily routine completed
○■ 上は那賀川の下流. .. On Nakakawa downstream
○■ In addition don't you thi nk? memory it probably will make also next year all the way, a liberal translation
○■ とにかく「マナー を守りま... “The manner” will be protected in any case!!, a liberal translation
○■ Because of that there are some where also the reflection is strong for us,
○■ これらを心得てい ければ、... If these are not known, to judge the people around from the word, because Tadanobu and the 奸 retainer cannot be ascertained, is
Double cherry-blossoms,