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○■ It is dense, it is, is, is
○■ zakzak - 「政治・社 ... zakzak - Than 2012/03/2915 “political social” up-to-date news: 55 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Execution order 3 of Ogawa method phases
○■ 2012 March 31st (the Satu rday) is
○■ 桜の開花情報が、 ちこちで聞... Information of bloom of the cherry tree starts being audible, here and there, this weekend, at every place become Hanami day harmony may, don't you think? is
○■ This week also the flower s starting blooming simultaneously, walking whose feeling is good was possible, a liberal translation
○■ 今日はとーっても い天気... Today - the weather where also the [tsu] [te] is good
○■ Today being warm, Hanami day harmony
○■ 今年はどこにお花 に行きます... This year it goes to Hanami somewhere?, a liberal translation
○■ Tag: Fireworks scenery an imal
○■ ちょっと道に迷い したが、ど... Just a little, it was perplexed to the road, if, but the [do] and others it falls cripes to the hole, because the next area [tsu] [po] to be
○■ Of the [ze] that, the Tok yo Electric Power Company whether nevertheless, denied investigation, the [tsu] [ge] which is done you obtain, a liberal translation
○■ そして2日過ぎた 日は... And 2 days today when it passes, a liberal translation
○■ As for this the sea brigh t/fresh pole winding set while the climbing which the rice & sea weed roll is dense, a liberal translation
○■ 「雑記」カテゴリ 最新記事... Flower 1/100 vf-25f messiah Valkyrie fighter mode… Hanami who has bloomed in the up-to-date article practice town taking potted plant “of miscellaneous” category
○■ “Bomb low pressure” The [tsu] [te], you heard for the first time, a liberal translation
○■ 「日記」カテゴリ 最新記事... The up-to-date article “of diary” category thickly [reshipi]” asparagus” of the [gi] [autodoahuesuta] 2012 spring… Hanami… it is thick from the Yakata boat the [gi] Iiyama cherry tree enshrining American idle season 11・・・, a liberal translation
○■ April 8th (day) as for my charge fm apple wave “in from night 9 o'clock a jazz” guitar special edition
○■ (*…... (*
○■ Today as for the wind how ever you have blown strongly, as for air temperature it seems the high way and, a liberal translation
○■ 毎日jp-ニュース 速報(総合)... Everyday jp-[niyusu] bulletin (synthesis) 2012/03/2901: 21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Consumption tax increase bill: As for prime minister strong feeling and request our people…Democracy conclusion everyday jp-[niyusu] bulletin (synthesis) 2012/03/290, a liberal translation
○■ Today from morning one da y of signs of storm! Being evening, the rain stopped, but the wind still with forcing the shank ~, a liberal translation
○■ 4月3日(火) 1 1℃−1℃... April 3rd (Tuesday) 11℃−1℃
○■ This year and accompanyin g the [min] refuse, [teina] which is Hanami it is simultaneous the plum already has bloomed, but with consequence or the late-blooming whose cold is harsher than last year the shank
○■ 今年は、冬の寒さ 影響して、... This year, cold of the winter influencing, around seeing the plum seems that is late from ordinary year
○■ The up-to-date article of garden” category to be too quick - - - (- _-;) Spring the cactus which repair of the bamboo rail fence which has come to there immediately ends?! (@_@) caterpillar, a liberal translation
○■ 「一般」カテゴリ 最新記事... Conference of poult city dodge ball of up-to-date article [senbatsu] opposition decisive our town “of general” category… celebration! It is the Takasaki high school baseball club [senbatsu] participation snow, to go to work quickly, the oral [ya]…
○■ tweet check
○■ <!--
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○■ As for 奨 [me] commodity of this day this
○■ まだまだだと思っ たのに、春... Although you think, that still is, being spring, don't you think? it increases, a liberal translation