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○■ お花見客の方々と 対比... Contrast with the people of Hanami customer
○■ As for the up-to-date art icle capital man and the capital woman “of scenery harmony candy” category it has not done to Hanami!? Don't you think? profit and profit peach, you laugh already a little, being Teramachi scenery Kobe like, it does, the [yo, a liberal translation
○■ 「かーちんの雑記 カテゴリの... “?- The [chi] it is cherry tree such as up-to-date article God generation plant park 2012 spring flower and scenery of miscellaneous” category God generation botanical garden 2012.04.04 today in vain nature with the head park of the head park west garden 2012/04/01 well of the cherry tree well of early flowering [kapoeira, a liberal translation
○■ やっぱり青空の下 桜は綺麗で... After all, the cherry tree under the blue sky being clean, will be in a trance
○■ こちらは無事「ウ トラマンと... This was to have become the safe “ultra man and the cherry tree”
○■ 「思ったこと」カ ゴリの最新... Up-to-date article love “of the thing category which is thought” love…(*^-^)/\ (^-^*) cuckoo? … (* No v `) b stretch! Information… of bloomThat 2 night cherry tree…♪, a liberal translation
○■ 「本日も徒然なり カテゴリの... “Also this day to become vain nature”, up-to-date article this year of category the first 20 degree exceeding! (^o^)/Saturday of Hanami day harmony the shank! (^o^)/At the morning when feeling is good
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