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○■ The forest park ♪ of th e [zu] which up-to-date article happybirthday♪ Hanami barbecue ♪ April 1st end “of weblog” category is and questions as for the tasty ♪ the happy ♪
○■ The cherry tree of the fu ll bloom is [do] [] with
○■ 次回からどういっ 形での生活... The combining which probably is from the next time to keep becoming life in some way -, a liberal translation
○■ Now morning the week open ing usual 3 lessons!!! What you look at the vigorous face of everyone the pleasure is the week beginning
○■ 今日の暖かな陽光 嬉しかった... It probably means that today the sunshine is delightful warmly?
○■ After a long time clean e vening glow, a liberal translation
○■ プレス・一般への 覧に引き続... To generality press continuing in the inside viewing, you think that with thing, everyone of the staff became tired exceedingly,
○■ So, I do not try probably to hide
○■ そろそろ春休み突 でしょうか... Gradually spring it probably is day off thrust?
○■ This way, perhaps directl y, it is ok with you think, but
○■ この内容なら、リ もありそう... If these contents, may be also [ripi], is…Laughing
○■ It is about also developm ent ahead enjoying continues this fight and from here and would like to keep -
○■ お二人部屋、三人 屋はまだ余... Two human rooms and three human rooms still is a room
○■ “Don't you think? insid e and others like and the [e] -” the [tsu] [te] the [te] which is said we would like to laugh, - [tsu
○■ 3~4人前2600円、5~ 6... Because 3~4 public 2600 Yen, we receive also 5~6 public 3900 Yen reservation, don't you think? with the telephone and with facsimile please make casual
○■ While your tasty sushi re ceiving also this day, y it rose in pleasant conversation, a liberal translation
○■ 庭の木蓮が咲き始 、花ニラ... The wooden lotus in the garden started blooming, the flower leek bloomed, the bud of the 芍 medicine came out
○■ Now the post rainfall it increased morning, but the wind is strong
○■ 今日はのんびりお 見でもし... Today freely and easily with Hanami the way, when it has wandered, the cute encounter - - lovely the mother of the girl Toshi… putting out just a little courage, “the photograph may take story, is?”When [tsu] [te] voice is used, it pulled please and please pleasantly the ♪ receiving having taken very lovely with the girl, it was very pleasant, is
○■ In addition when leaving the room, it comes out over the threshold from the left foot
○■ しかし、私が用事 てるとき... But, me errand having done when is, it seems that after all is unreasonable, a liberal translation
○■ So, it is not to be slow, but we had passed 12 o'clock, but it is the initial stage, a liberal translation
○■ 上は本。。綴れの で夜桜で... On book. . It is the night cherry tree in the band of the rag
○■ * It is weekday fee to Ap ril 26th, a liberal translation
○■ 私も3。綺麗なお を持ちか... Me 3. Furthermore clean the collar it increased with the flower
○■ 昨年はお花見がで なかったから... Because last year Hanami was not possible, very this year
○■ This time also the lunch of the husband the ^^, a liberal translation
○■ ブログネタ:春に ったらしたい... [buroguneta]: It was spring, when it seems during thing participating which wants it is spring, the girl the clothes of the pastel color which seems wearing, Hanami the [tsu] which would like to date! Associating, but at the time of the [ru] every year it does it is last year was not possible and…
○■ It was renewal of such af ter a long time rambling [burogu, a liberal translation
○■ それにしても賑や な集団でした... Nevertheless 賑 and it was the kana group