- Boston
http://ameblo.jp/yukondo/entry-11212347809.html Just a little, [guro] applying, just a little [ero] there being about you apply, that those have existed together, you could not say at all and it was attractive, is, a liberal translation Apenas un poco, [guro] aplicándose, apenas poco [ero] allí el estar sobre usted se aplica, ese ésos ha existido junto, usted no podría decir en absoluto y era atractivo, es
- 2nd paragraph Machida VS Fukuoka
http://shiba.cocolog-nifty.com/shiba/2012/03/vs-4ddf.html Just a little, whether the stadium it was slow to enter,, a liberal translation Apenas un poco, si el estadio era lento entrar,
- sakura chonpa tsu �� natsu ha ao �� aki ha cha �� fuyu ha shiro toka hoshi kunaru
http://kokome-liv.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-03-26 Just a little just recommending you hesitated, a liberal translation Apenas un poco apenas que le recomendaba vaciló
- [someiyoshino] to bloom, passing, -.
http://ameblo.jp/hana1141/entry-11206878136.html Just a little, it will have been rushing,… Apenas un poco, habrá estado acometiendo,…
Hanami, Food And Drinks , japanese culture, Leisure,