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○■ 「今夜は豆まきだ !それと、... Don't you think? “tonight is the bean firewood! Don't you think? that and, the aspect of God of luck it does not need, the ~ that way [ikeru], the ~”
○■ There was an event even i n the nursery school, was chased in the teacher ogre and the garden of large crying state it was like! The blessing one winding of handmade was eaten even with the pad, the bean firewood was done, but the instant which it tries probably to spread, the son to start scratching “- [tsu] and [beso] with the plug”, a time discontinuance…, a liberal translation
○■ 今年は少し注文が いようです... This year it seems that order is a little many, a liberal translation
○■ 節分は豆をまきま たか?
恵方... Did paragraph amount sow the bean? Was the blessing one winding eaten?
○■ Yesterday it is the bean firewood it is pleasant is, or blessing one wound and ate it is what, 踊 and others making enterprise, the [ru] like, don't you think? this year the unreasonable oral [ya] which seven eleven tries buying the tasty [name] [te] it is, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は児童館に鬼 来ていました... Today the ogre had come to the child mansion, (laughing) Momotarou's [me] it is to make, it went to suppression, but…The ogre being large, the daughter to fear, you did not bring close, because (laughing) the night bought the blessing one winding, that you will eat, thought now the ~ it does, a liberal translation
○■ 皆さんは恵方巻き べましたか... Did everyone wound and eat blessing one? Even at Kanto blessing one winding from several years and ago it reaching the point where you eat and the better seed favorite food (laughing) the extent blessing one which it is possible to say winding and eating and the empty the [ru] and the father speak turning round don't you think? me whom the pause of the sea it does with the index finger (laughing) it probably is no what when recording family the [besutoten] which speaks only such a time with the tape deck, so was, (, too old to be) story be sure to return to paragraph amount, [e]… Fragrance it does and the air which is eaten does not do bean this year of the [ku] [te] tasty bean firewood and the [te] buys and increases is… Never, because the number of years, it cannot eat, it is not, time of the child as for the ogre as for luck outside the ~ the bean firewood inside the ~ it has done with big voice time the bosom oak to be,… Way luck the air it increases even in the house of everyone,, a liberal translation
○■ 昨日の節分は・・ 豆まきしま... … The bean firewood it did the paragraph amount of yesterday? The ogre expulsion luck is called!, a liberal translation
○■ なので家から出ず こんな事し... Because is, without coming out from the house, such a thing doing, it increased
○■ 節分の恵方巻きと も、どこか... The blessing one winding of paragraph amount, the company of the laver of somewhere, [konbini] began when with, the [itsu] [no] 間 [ni] seems that becomes fixed, but it is not popular with the pad
○■ That while thinking wheth er it can throw the bean, you returned home, but “as for eldest daughter this year the bean firewood it does not do”, that is
○■ 最近ハヤリの恵方 き(笑)... Recently, because the blessing one winding of [hayari] (laughing) the partner has not eaten, it is the [be] it is - to be! Because with you say, becoming half price, don't you think? the cod, with the mail doing, when (the [se] dense w) super it goes to the work return, just the largest one just became half price Originally 2480 Yen the pole which is said it is thick the sea. Lord volume! … Lord [a]?! When (laughing) it is before the discounting, the [ro] which is not bought no matter what and is w
○■ 恵方巻きもらっち ったぁ
節分... But also the blessing one winding and others the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is before the [a] paragraph amount you eat and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] are (the ≧∇≦) [hu] ゚ [hu] ゚
○■ February 3rd (the wood) i t did morning to go to the school rather, hit, but sending by the car, how, it could attend school
○■ 節分用の豆 をスー パーで昨夜... The bean for paragraph amount was bought super with last night, a liberal translation
○■ In order this year for th ere to be a good thing, while to do asking distantly, [gaburi] and drag ^^ today which is attached was rather warm facing toward south southeast, daytime the middle of March it was straw raincoat air temperature that
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