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○■ Today is your lucky direc tion is winding Setsubun ☆ ☆ ☆ miso Nameko radish, potato dumplings. I m sorry delicious colors
○■ The sow beans? Winding食 Berun Ehou? Tetara watching TV, I think that in the video stream Temashita soybean-throwing out the red carpet celebrities from various fields
○■ Buroguneta: Setsubun! Bea n-throwing ceremony in your home? Ehou roll? I m at home it is the number of participants Ehou! Nde bean-throwing ceremony is not ...
○■ If you think you cold Mec cha snow falling from the night and morning - yet one side is white or snow from the indigo of you today Setsubun Naa do you want to eat something - roll out the bean-throwing ceremony - the lucky direction and I think
○■ I work in the bean-year e mployee dressed as demons during the day. Chan Nante Daffi at home who I will be eating beans this month in the Sea Lightning also bidding costume Yafuoku Moo in the orthopedic clinic yesterday comes in from the cold sore knee roll Ehou What I eat when I get home work It s a little too costume-in to Valentine s Day makes me want one more Sherimei of money, but is quickly Naa Are you selling something I can have 17 days
○■ ° Ê ° Ê Today s lunch was no longer asleep last night listening to music Tetara extra寝付Kenaku finally slept among ... Sure enough one time, sleeping in seven at lunch Tsu happening · Þ Ø Ø Today Aaasate · Þ ° Ê ° Ê I made is that I do not want a dinner with drinking, eating dinner Á ËÞ in today with his parents but I have to go bring in the morning I want to make a winding Moe because Ehou Setsubun, from the afternoon to do laundry is made leisurely Yoshitsu爽空Kaa is great ... I see the hand posture is holding ÊßÝ Cyan ...
○■ Sun Setsubun on February 3, the habit of wearing lucky direction toward the winding round Ehou ... Why is wearing cut round the edges for silent ... 』is the『 Dasou
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